Chapter Twenty-One: The Gift of the Mentally Unstable Red Head

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Super nervous about posting this, plus I don't 100% love it but I really hope you guys like it. Happy New Years!

Chapter Twenty-One: The Gift of the Mentally Unstable Red Head


Going east proved to be a bust, we did pick up a few unknown scents but they lead us to nowhere. Disappointed we headed back to the packhouse where we continued until daylight working on a plan. Lucky for me Riley was asleep, when she did wake up my mother would be at her side and would hopefully distract her long enough to buy me time before I would have to give her some type of an explanation.

"This is our only choice," Alec had proposed a plan that we bring in one of our allies, specifically The Moon Light Pack who had some of the best trackers in the country. Feeling too on edge plus the feeling of Déjà vu made me want to give in the only thing holding me back was the fear of looking weak to my allies and to people in my pack. Having a rogue come in my pack territory and steal my mate for the second time was enough to make people believe that we were weak and if they thought that it would be no surprise if others thought that as well and would try to take over my pack.

"Make the call," I ordered Alec who with a nodded was off to make the call. "Jacob, gather your best trackers and don't come back until you have something."

"Will do." Jacob agreed before leaving my office.


One of the most annoying things when being an Alpha is that you always have to remain calm and collected even when you were anything but. So as much as I wanted to screw the introduction I had shown my respect by greeting them despite how much I would rather be in the field looking for my mate.

"Thanks for coming." I greeted Alpha Mason, and the wolves that he had brought.

"Of, course we came as fast as we could." Gesturing for them to follow me I lead them into my office. "So, what do we have?" He said getting right down to business. One thing I respected about Mason was he was a loyal Alpha if one thing happens to one of his allies he took the act personally and would do anything to help.

"We've to check surrounding areas and mostly came up short. In the east," I pointed to the map, "we picked up a few scents that we are currently checking further."

"Catch up with them and see what you guys can find," Mason ordered pointing to two of his guys.

Bowing their heads in respect towards the both of us they left my office. He turned to me, "She was taken by her mate?"

"Stalker," I corrected.

"Right, is there a special place where they met or..." He trailed off.

"He's was high ranking in the rogue pack, they met then."

"Ah- I see."

"What?" I asked noticing his change in attitude.

"I'm gonna be straight up with you," He paused, "It's been days and we both know from experiences how these rogues are. It just doesn't look good."

Before I could even respond to him Jacob mind linked me, "We've got something."

"Is it them? Is Willow okay?" I asked frantically.

"Not exactly. We've picked up Kira's scent and it isn't anywhere near her cousin's pack."


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