Chapter Twenty-Two: The Gift of the Missing Gamma

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So, I took a break. I'm back now. Cool.

Chapter Twenty-Two: The Gift of the Missing Gamma


"Please explained to me why Kira's whereabouts are more important than finding my mate." My nose flared in angry that we were investigating our runaway Gamma instead of focusing on my mate that had been kidnapped by her crazy stalker.

"You don't find it a little suspicious that she said that she was going to her cousin's pack that's in the opposite direction than where we picked up her scent?" Alec questioned. I could admit that is was suspicious but it wasn't a topic that I cared about at the moment. If she wanted to go, rogue, by all means, she's been pissing me off a lot lately anyways.

"He has a point." My father agreed.

"Well, what's the relationship like between Kira and your mate?" Alpha Mason eyes shifted to mine.

"Let's see," Jacob rubbed his chin, "Kira attacked and harassed her on quite a few occasions. One instance resulting in her been placed into the pack prison. Other than that, they seem to be the best of friends." He finished sarcastically.

Mason raised an eyebrow, "So, you're saying that Kira who openly hated your mate goes missing and is unreachable right after your mate gets kidnapped."

Slowly then I would like to admit I begin to put the pieces together and boy was I pissed off. Slamming my hand on my desk I growled, "You got to be fucking kidding me."

"No, Kira wouldn't do something so dumb." Alec shook his head in disbelief. He and she were very close so I know hearing this was just as hard for him as it was for me. Kira was someone I should be able to trust, but for the last few months, her actions wouldn't allow me to.

"If she attacked her Luna more than once, I wouldn't put it past her to do something like this." Alpha Mason stated and I couldn't agree more.

"Nick," Alec frowned, "are you seriously believing Kira the girl who we've grown up with would do something like this."

"The question is how can you not?" While he sat there processing the betrayal of our childhood friend I begin ordering Jacob and Mason's trackers to go follow up on the scent they found. Once they had found where it led them we were going straight into attack.

Eventually, Alec got over the shock and went to work on getting the pack warriors ready for what was to come. Mason went to go brief his pack and mate about what was going on, and my father went to go spread the word to the pack. Even though I didn't think my pack would be attacked I still ordered all members to stay indoors while pack warriors would guard the territory while we went to search for my mate and the pack traitor. I also had my father do some digging and see if anyone in the pack had any information on Kira, starting out with her parents.

Leaving my office, I headed up to the kitchen where I found my mother and Riley enjoying lunch. "Hey, ladybug." I kissed her cheek before doing the same to my mother. It's been hard putting on a smile in front of Riley, but I didn't want her to worry so I had to do what I had to do. I did whatever I could to keep things as normal as possible, yeah she hasn't been back to school, but I always try to tuck her in at night and to spare a few minutes of my time with her.

"Hey, Daddy." She smiled. It had been days since she asked at Willow but still, it was clear to me that she miss her mother.

I sat down across from her, "So, I just wanted to let you know that I'll be gone for a day or so."

She frowned, "Where are you going?"

"Um, I just have so business to take care of." I quickly formed a lie.

"Will mommy be back while you're gone?" Her lips quivered, and I could tell she was trying not to cry. With Willow and I both gone her reaction was expected.

I rubbed her back, comforting her, "We'll have to see, but until then you'll be with grandma and grandpa. Okay?"

"Okay." She pouted and wiped the tears from her eyes.

I knew I had to do whatever I had to do, to get my mate back, not only for myself but also for our daughter.


Kira's car was fast, but not quite fast enough. It didn't matter how many red light and stop signs we ran they never lost us.

"Hold the wheel." She ordered as she begins taking off her jacket then shirt.

"What are you doing." I frowned, not understanding what she was going to accomplished by getting naked.

Ignoring me she continued taking off her clothes, pushing her pants down quickly enough so her foot stayed on the gas and throwing them in the back. "Hold on." Grabbing the wheel back she sped up, after a half of a mile we had managed to cross the train track just in time before the train passed leaving the SUVS behind.

Thank the Moon Goddess. Knowing that the train would take a while to past, it would give us enough time to get a big lead on them. Or so I thought...

"Why are we stopping?" I panic, not seeing her reason for stopping at a moment like this.

"I want you to keep driving north, I'll catch up to you." She said going to open the door, only for me to lock it before she could.

"Kira, that doesn't make any sense. Let's just keep driving, we have a lead." I yelled in distress. No, I didn't love Kira but she had saved my life and I would feel bad if anything happened to her.

"Don't be an idiot." She unlocked her car door manually. "No matter what keep driving." With that, she jumped out of the car before shifting in her wolf. When she noticed that I hadn't pulled off she slammed her paw against the door.

Not even a second had gone by before I was climbing over to the driver side. Starting the car back up I sped off.

I wasn't the best at knowing which direction was which, but I assumed I knew where I was going. I somehow ended up on a no outlet street, leaving me with no choice but to turn around. Only to see a bloody wolf standing in the middle of the road.

"Ahh," I screamed. I knew at that moment it was Kira but it still caught me off guard. She shifted back before limping over to the car and climbing back into the car.

"I told you north." She glared at me.

"I don't have a compass so I had no idea what that was. You okay?" I asked when I heard her wince while holding her arm.

"I'm fine, just go. I held them off but I'm sure more is coming soon." Reaching in the back I grabbed her shirt quickly wrapping it around her arm tightly, before quickly pulling off.

If a month before today someone would have told me Kira would be saving my life I would have never believed them. But as of today, I couldn't be happier to have someone so loyal and dedicated in my corner. "Let's get out of here."

Wiz Khalifa: See You Again Ft. Charlie Puth

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