Chapter Fourteen: The Gift of the Wolves Playing Hooky

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Chapter Fourteen: The Gift of the Wolves Playing Hooky (Hooky: To skip school or work without a valid reason. As in both Riley and Tommie in school and Alpha Nicholas in his Alpha duties.)


"I don't feel so good." Riley moaned as she made her way down the stairs still in her Frozen themed pajamas.

I met her halfway and placed my hand on her forehead, feeling that she was slightly warm but not enough for it to be considered a fever. "You don't have a fever."

"My arm hurts." She winced as she held onto her pink cast.

With it been Wednesday it was finally okay for her to go back to school. Knowing that all of last night she continued to leave hints about her not wanting to go back I assumed this was an act that she was playing at.

"You can stay home for the day, okay?" She eagerly nodded. "Go lie down in your bed I'll bring you up some breakfast." I didn't want her going to school if she felt this uncomfortable, it was definitely gonna be something that Nicholas and I would have to talk about. With a bright smile, she left the kitchen and made her way upstairs.

After calling Riley's school to let them know that she wasn't coming I began whipping up a quick breakfast and then brought the plate up to Riley's room. Yesterday the paint in her room had finally dried and her things had been delivered. We had gotten her a light blue castle bed. The cost of it was much higher than I was willing to pay but Nicholas insisted on it. On the wall, there were varies stickers that consisted of Elsa and Anna and white snowflakes.

There was also a 15-inch flat screen TV on the wall and a bookshelf that I hope to fill with books for Riley. Much to my surprise, Nicholas had gotten her a tea party set and a few other random toys. At first, it had upset me thinking that we were spoiling her but seeing her so happy it lessens my angry.

"Okay, we got eggs and bacon and toast with your favorite on it, apple-butter."

"Yum." She licked her lips and began her damage onto the plate. When she was done I gave her, her pain medicine along with a cup of orange juice.

"You know you're gonna have to go back to school, soon," I told her after wiping her face of her breakfast.

A frown covered her face, "Can I just stay home with you and Daddy." Her lip quivered making it hard for me to tell her no.

I shook my head. "Eat up and then we can go for a walk. Get some fresh air." I kissed her cheek and ruffled her hair before leaving her bedroom.

It had been two days since we left the house and some fresh air could do us both some good. I had just finished cleaning the kitchen when Nicholas came in. After a few days of spending all his time with us, he had gone back to work. "What's Riley doing home?" He pressed a kiss to my temple.

"She 'feels' sick." I air quoted.

"I've already had conversations with the parents so everything should be all good." He reassured me.

"Yeah." I agreed. "She'll go tomorrow."

After Nicholas and I had our breakfast he went back to the pack house while Riley and I had gotten dressed for our walk. She wore a dark blue pleated Polo dress with black sandals while I wore high waisted light ripped jeans with a black cross over crop top paired with black converse.

We left the house and walked around in the surrounding areas. When we passed by people in the pack most of them ignored us only getting a head nod or two. It was clear that people in the pack still loathe me and me changing their opinions was impossible at this point.

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