Epilogue: The Story of Aria

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Right now, it's summer vacation. It's nearly been a whole year since I first started attending school. Throughout the year, I've spent my time with Thoth, Raina, and occasionally went out with my parents to different countries within the kingdom. Everywhere I went, though, many people would immediately have their attention on me, and my presence in a vicinity will silence everyone. It looks like my appearance itself is a symbol of fear towards others.

After the [Fall Tournament], I continued training my [Gun Magic] with Jiriko, and after half a year of practice, I've mastered every [Basic Gun Magic] for [Small Weapons] and [Rifles]. I couldn't exactly learn how to use [Launchers] and [Machine Guns] because I require a level 6 proficiency in [Gun Magic] in order to do so. Right now, it's level 5, so I'm nearly able to learn them. Because of that, we decided to just focus on the combat training. I've obtained the class, [Gun Paladin]. It's a class that hasn't been discovered yet, Jiriko told me, so I don't know exactly what it did yet.

Ever since the tournament, I'm now a known figure throughout most of the kingdom, so people often recognized me when they see me. As per usual, I'm treated the same as I usually am in school, but recently, I've noticed a group of people constantly watching me from a distance. Are they some sort of secret group that's supposed to be keeping watch of me? I notice them trying to secretly take pictures of me, but I don't really do anything about it. It's not like having my pictures taken will kill me.

Throughout the year, I've participated in many school events, and the [Spring Tournament] as well. I was able to compete against the [Student Council], but I was forced to unseal two marks total against Raina, just like Thoth. Obviously, Raina was the strongest, using a strange spear called a [Naginata] as her weapon, which was made for people with greater dexterity and self defense, rather than emphasizing physical strength for combat. She used it mainly for speed, though, whirling it around at high speed.

Raina's proficiency with this weapon rivaled Thoth's ability with the spear, so they mainly competed against each other to see who would take second place in the tournament. Thoth won, because she had more battle experience and magic that helps influence her abilities. Immaturely, she boasted about it and rubbed it into Raina's face at the end, but I smacked the back of her head to make her shut up.

I don't know if it's just me, but the relation between these two have gotten worse since the first time they've met. I often see them glaring at each other, as if sparks were created between their gazes. Whenever I went out with the both of them in the city, they would often try to bring us to different places, and have conflicting opinions most of the time. I wish that they would just get along like the first time we all went out with each other. I don't like it when they fight like this.

"Hey Aria! Are you awake yet!?" Speak of the devil, Thoth just bursted into my room yelling out loud.

"...good morning, Thoth." I reply. Her random visits are now a common occurrence, happening at least once a week.

"Let's go out! Come on, I brought a lot more people today!" Thoth yells, pulling me out of my room by my arm.

"...who?" I wonder how many of the people coming are those that I actually know.

"Surprise! They'll be waiting for us in the city! We're going to be late, hurry, hurry!" She says with a cheerful voice as we reach the front door.

"...breakfast..." I whisper.

"Geh, who needs that? Come on, let's go! We'll get you something on the way there, everyone's already waiting for us!" She forcefully hands me my shoes, before putting on her own.

I sigh to myself as I do the same. I don't know how to refuse pushy people, so I just comply with whatever she tells me to do. After we put on our shoes, she runs out the front door, and I chase after her. Sprinting out of the front gate, she heads toward the city, with me following closely behind. We were both going at a fast speed, rushing past people in a flash. To them, though, it was common to see the both of us running through town like this. Not that they actually know the reason why we're running through.

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