Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 (Captain Kirk’s POV)

         “Captain on the bridge,” I heard Mr. Sulu say as I stepped out of the elevator and onto the bridge.

         “Captain Kirk,” Spock came rushing over to me, “Sir, we have a problem with the warp core.”

         “Is Scotty on it?” I asked feeling slightly stressed. “Then we should be fine.” We had psycho maniac on our tail trying to send us to our death.

         “But Captain I do not think you understand, the probability that he will be able to finish by the time Morka catches up with us,” Spock explained, “We have one in fifty chance of making it.”

         I rolled my eyes, Spock always over thought everything. “Spock, we can do it. I have a gut feeling.”

         “Your ‘gut feeling’ you call it, is not always right,” he argued.

         “We are still alive, aren’t we?” I walked away from Spock, leaving him with that idea, but I knew that he was not convinced.

         I picked up my communicator and called Scotty. “What is going on down there? I hope you do realize that there is a psycho maniac is on our trail.”

"Ye hink i’m not tryin' tae fix it? trust me laddie, Aye don’t want tae be a human shish-ka-bob,” he huffed. I could tell that Scotty was running around trying to find out what was wrong.

         All of a sudden the starship was thrusted to the left and everyone was tossed out of their seats. I tried to gain stability, but then the ship was thrusted to the right.

         I picked back up the communicator again, “What in lord’s name is going on down there?”

"Weel keptin, ye shoods be askin' someain, else coz it did not come from doon haur,” Scotty hastily said.

         Mr. Sulu turned around his chair and said “Captain, Morka has caught up with us, and his has fired two torpedoes at the storage department.”

         “How could his ship fly so fast?” I murmured to myself.

         Spock must have heard me. He tried to explain, “Because of the complexity of…”

         “Save it for another time Spock,” I cut him off. I took a deep breath and continued. “How bad are the damages Mr. Sulu?”

         “We have lost one crew member, and there is a large hole in the ship. Other than that we are good,” Mr. Sulu answered.

         “Great, that is somewhat good news. Spock, how close is Morka’s ship?” I asked just as Morka’s ship rammed right into the side of ours. I scrambled back up to feet “Never mind, he is very close.”

         What to do? What to do? I thought to myself. Then my communicator buzzed.

"Keptin, Ah hae figured it th' problem,"  Scotty said frantically.

         “Well, go on,” I rushed him on knowing that there was not much more time before we were hit again.

        "Thaur is an signal interferin' with uir systems.” Scotty explained.

         “Can you stop it?”

         "Aye, weel, mebbe,” Scotty was indecisive.

         “Yes or no,” I demanded an answer.

"Aye, Ah believe aye can,” he stated.

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