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Epilogue: (Sienna's POV, 3½ years later)

My Kobayashi Maru simulator test was scheduled for this morning, and I wanted to be the second person to ever beat the test. From talking with Spock (who is currently on the Enterprise with the rest of the crew) Kirk was the only other to beat the test. Though apparently Kirk did cheat, and I personally wished not to break the rules.

I stepped into the building that held the simulator. I was nervous to meet the bridge crew that would be supporting me through the test, but first I had to go check in with Admiral Shelby. As I walked over to her, I noticed she was talking with a tall man with blond hair who had his back towards me.

I did not recognize this man until he started talking, "Captain Kirk," I interrupted their conversation. The man turned around, "It is you," I smiled, "I thought you were on patrol duty for the rest of the week."

"I was able to talk to Starfleet about changing it to next week, when I heard you were in the Kobayashi Maru test," Kirk gave me a great big hug. "It is good to see you kid."

Then Bones walked over to our group, "What position are you holding in the simulator? Science Officer?"

I shook my head, "Captain," I stated with a smile across my face.

"Wait, so you dropped out of becoming a Science Officer?" Kirk looked shocked.

"No, no," I laughed. "I finished My sciences last year, but then came back to become a Captain."

"Sciences take at the bare minimum 3 years," Bones looked confused, "and then to become a Captain takes like another 4 years."

"Or 3," Kirk smiled, I knew he had finished the program a year early than everyone else.

I could barely hold in my laughter, "Unless you a part Vulcan prodigy child." I could not believe Kirk and Bones faced.

"Is this so?" Kirk asked Admiral Taylor.

Admiral Taylor nodded, "She finished all her sciences in 2 years and Captaincy in 1. Well that is if she can pass her final test." She gestured to the simulator.

"Is Spock here?" I changed the subject hoping I could see my brother before I start.

"Ya, I believe he is inside the simulator at this moment," Kirk said a little unsure of where his pointy-eared friend had walked off to.

"Great," I smiled, I turned around to go find Spock.

"Wait," Kirk said, as he tossed something at me, and I caught it. It was a red apple?

"What is this for?" I asked.

"I beat that test eating an apple," Kirk stated, "Maybe it will give you good luck."

I laughed taking a bite out of the freshly ripened apple, "I hope so." I opened up the two large front doors into the Kobayashi Maru simulator, and there sat Spock, Uhura, Chekov and the rest of the bridge crew.

"What are you all doing here?" I asked looking around to see all their happy faces.

Spock stood up from the Science officer's post and walked over to where I stood. "I thought it would be logical if you performed the test with the crew from the Enterprise, this way you will be ready to become part of the Enterprise's crew."

"This is wonderful," I wrapped my arms around Spock, but he seemed unsure of what I was trying to do, though I did not care.

Then Admiral Shelby's voice came across the PA system, "The simulator will be starting in 60 seconds."

"No time for hellos?" I asked looking up into the viewing area where Admiral Shelby, Kirk, and Bones stood. "Fine," I sighed, I would have to catch up with everyone later.

I took my seat in the Captain's Chair as the Clock counted down from 60.

As I sat in the chair, I realised how much responsibility it would take to be Captain 24/7. These responsibilities I did not want to hold all the time, but I knew I had to pass this test if I wanted a spot on the Enterprise

Then the clock hit 3, 2, 1. All the lights, and screens came on. "Okay crew, I all hope you are ready for this mission if you choose to accept it." I smiled taking another bite out of the apple, "Mr. Sulu, status report."

"All station are a go," He paused for a second. "Captain."

"Then lets go kick some butts," I smiled.

I can't believe it.... my second fan fiction is DONE!!!!!!!!!!! I really hope you enjoyed the book. Even though I have finished this fan f. please let me know if there is anything I can do to make it better :)

In the future I might be willing to write a sequel.... but I will see how busy I am.

Please vote, comment, fan, thanks for supporting all the way to the end :)

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