Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 (Sienna POV)

I woke up early in the morning and rolled out if my bed. Before getting changed I looked around my new bedroom and I knew that if I wanted to live somewhere else, here is where I wanted to be.

Once I had finished getting ready, I walked down the hallway to the captain's quarters.

Kirk's door was wide open, and I took a step inside. Spock and Kirk were playing a game of chess. Right away my thoughts were that Spock was going to win. The game continued on for a couple more minutes, and to my surprise Kirk actually won.

"Your illogical approach to chess does have its advantages Captain," I said with a smirk on my face.

"The probability that your tactic will succeed is 5.563%," Spock added.

"Sometimes I can see how you two resemble each other, and at during other times I wonder if you two are even related," Kirk stated. "It is time, we should get back to the bridge."

With that I followed Kirk and Spock to the bridge. My black chair was still placed right beside the Captain's chair.

"What are the stats Sulu?" Kirk asked as he stood in front of the large viewer, and I sat down in the captain's chair to try it out.

"Everything is in order Captain," Sulu answered.

"Morka, Oh Morka, where in the universe are you?" Captain Kirk murmured.

"Captain," I said, "if this is the planet of Alondra then it is inhabited by no living species."

"Yes, and..." Kirk stood puzzled.

"Then there is no possible way for any human to live here," I stated, "also we can easily do a scan on the planet to find who is here."

"I see where you are coming from Sienna," Kirk turned around and gave me a look when he noticed I was in his chair. "Sienna chair," then he continued, "maybe he sent a decoy and he is not actually here."

"But sir," Spock said, "all facts lead to him being on this planet."

"Unless he beamed away while his ship was in warp speed," Captain Kirk suggested.

"But that is next to impossible," Spock exclaimed, "no one but Starfleet has access to the equation. Even then, no one is actually able to transport during warp speed!"

"What do you mean," I said still sitting in Kirk's chair, "someone leaked it out and it has spread all over the Internet. I did a whole school project on it."

"Wait what," Captain Kirk, and Spock said in sync.

"How come we haven’t heard of it?" Kirk asked before the last time kicking me out of his chair.

"I have not idea," I said standing up, "but I also found the equation on how to transport humans at extreme speeds."

Kirk’s jaw dropped, "I am glad we have you."

"There is only one problem," I paused for a second, "because I have never been on a starship before, I have never tried it yet."

"Then how do you know it works?"asked Spock.

"Well, I don't," I said quietly, "but here." I handed Spock the equation for transporter.

Spock studied paper, I could see him deciphering whether it would work. Finally Spock said, "that is genius. It is space which is the one moving, not the ship."

"We should check with Scotty," Kirk added, "but if this works, then Morka could really be any where."

I nodded, and thought about it for a second, "if there are still remains of Morka's ship, then we could find out where he beamed to."

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