Chapter 6

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Every time I tell myself to stay away from you I find it so hard to do. You send so many mixed signals that I don't know which one is true. Should I love you or should I leave you? I just don't know. What I realize however is that I need to save myself, mind, body and soul because I know that being around you would only cause my heart pain. One moment you're in, the next you're out. I can't keep up and I refuse too. So either you love me and allow me to stay or you don't so I can walk away.

I sat on the sofa and mentally scolded myself for letting my true feelings slip through my perfectly built walls. I was interrupted when the phone started to ring and I mentally braced myself before going back in. Getting up I walked into the kitchen and picked up the phone.


"Hey Carol, it's me. Your father and I are stuck over here and so instead of coming back tonight we'll come back next Sunday."

"Mom!!! You know I'm moving back to college on Sunday!" I whined.

"I know that and we'll come back as soon as we can but I'm sorry, it can't be before that date."

"Alright fine."

"I love you."

"Love you too... Tell dad hi." I hung up the phone and braced my head against the wall.

So now I had an entire week with the love of my life and I couldn't think of one single thing to do than screwing the life out of her. In college it was different. We were always surrounded by other students and most of the time she wasn't even in the room. She would mostly sleep over with the other girls or by Anthony.

Now, she was staying at my house and even though we didn't share the same room, we still shared the same habits. She hated wearing clothing and sleeping early and I was always dressed, avoided her and slept nearly 24 hours a day.
Together we could have avoided each other but now we had an extra week, without my family, and there was no telling what might happen.

"Is everything okay?"

I jumped when I heard a voice close behind me and felt a hand on my shoulder. I had been so wrapped up in my own world that I completely forgot about Roni in the kitchen.
I turned around to face her but she didn't step back and any slight movement would cause our bodies to touch. I struggled to breath as I inhaled her beautiful essence.

This was starting to happen often and it was making it difficult to control myself around her. After what just happened I had to be extra cautious or she would definitely stop talking to me altogether. I looked down at her face and I could see genuine concern in her eyes and for a second I forgot why.

"I-" My voice sounded hoarse and low so I cleared my throat and tried again.

"Yeah, everything is fine. Mom and dad got stuck in England so they'll be coming back until next week." I whispered.

For the life of me I couldn't get my voice to sound normal. The mere fact that she was standing this close to me, that I could smell her perfume and see how brown her eyes were... I literally had to force-control myself before I moaned out loud. My brain willed my eyes from shutting or my nostrils from inhaling her scent once more.

"Oh!" she responded, never breaking eye contact. "So they wouldn't be able to take us back to college?!"

"Yeah... At least I think so. I hope they make it back in time, I would hate to not say goodbye in person."

"Me too. They're like family to me. If they can't though, I wouldn't mind driving us back... And maybe they could bring up the rest of our stuff."

"Yea, that's a good idea." I replied looking anywhere but at her. Roni realized what her closeness around me did so she stepped away. I released the breath I was holding, greatful that my brain could finally work again.

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