Chapter 2-Messy Aftermath

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I woke up like I did every morning, took a bath, got myself dressed, and got myself breakfast before I remembered all that occurred last night, whether it was for the better or for the worse. The best part of the night was dancing with the ever so handsome Luke Fern while the worst part was when Felicia fell and left the ball in a hurry. Soon after that, everyone was gossiping about her and who she talked to. According to Alex Fern, Felicia dance partner when she fell, she did it on purpose to get attention. Everyone believed this because that is the kind of person she is, but I knew better so I promised myself that I would visit her in the morning to uncover the truth.
Now that morning had arrived, I was beginning to have second thoughts on my decision from last night, but I know I must do this. In order to get to her manor five miles away, I had to first ask to borrow one of my father's horses.
"Papa! Where are you? I have a question to ask you," I shouted.
     He popped out of his study and inquired, "What is it, my dear child?"
I asked, "May I borrow Melanie, so that I may visit my friends?"
"Of course! Just be back for dinner, and if you are staying for dinner, send someone to tell me," Papa answered with patience.
Since he said yes, I quickly rushed outside to the stables and found Melanie, a tan and white horse. Melanie was always my preference when it came to my father's horses because she is calm, sweet, and gentle while the others-Matt, Mike, and Karen- were more on the wild side. Jumping onto Melanie, I started toward the road to Felicia's manor.


I awoke to the sound of the doorbell ringing downstairs. I was very upset between last night's events and my sleep interrupted by a bell. I heard my maid, whose name I forget, talking to someone for a few moments. Then, I heard the sounds of the door closing and that person being welcomed into the parlor.
The maid footsteps were loud as she flew up the stairs and down the hall to my bedroom where she found me "sleeping" in my bed. I chose to pretend to be asleep so the maid may send the visitor away, whoever it may be. She shook me until I gave up and grumbled, "Alright! Alright! I'm up! Now what is it!"
She apologized, "Sorry I had to awake you, miss, but your friend, Miss Cedi, said it was urgent you talk to her. Miss Cedi is downstairs waiting for you."
"I do not wish to speak to her or anyone else," I nearly shrieked, my voice becoming more shrill with each word, "Send her away from here!"
"Miss," the maid whispered, shrinking away from me afraid, "I am afraid I can not, for she told me she had important news for you."
Those last few words did it. I told the maid to bring Bella to my room once I was dressed properly. Bella walked into my bedroom with a concerned look on her pale face.
"What is so important you had to have me awaken," I spat at her.
She flinched. "I need to tell you something. Last night, after you left, everyone started gossiping about you and know how they can be.......they...ummm...they said you....." Bella announced.
"What is it girl!!!" I screamed.
She finished quickly, "They said you fell on purpose to get attention."


This morning I set out early to clear my mind. What occurred last night was disturbing, everything I ever knew about Bella and Felicia at balls was turned upside-down. Between Felicia falling and Bella becoming the center of attention, I found myself stuck with straightening everything out.
My first stop was to the Fern's manor where I hope to find out the reason behind Luke dancing with Bella, but I would go on the pretense of wishing to congratulate Delaney a very happy birthday. I set out at a quarter 'til eight so that I may arrive at their house at half past eight.
Upon arriving at my destination, I was greeted by a maid who called for a stable boy to take care of my carriage. Looking from my dress to the carriage, the maid decided I was noble enough to awake the household. She curtsied to me and walked me into the parlor where she told me to wait while she called for Lord William. Before she left the room, I informed the maid, "I do not wish to see Lord Benjamin. I would like to see Delaney."
The maid said, "Sorry, miss, but she is not awake. Is there anyone else you wish to talk to?"
I waited a moment, pretending to think, "Is Sir Alex or Sir Luke awake?"
"Both are awake. Would you like to see them?"
"That would be lovely!"
Content on carrying this out, she left to find them and a few minutes later Alex and Luke walked in very puzzled.
"Why may I ask are you here?" Alex, the younger one, asked.
I composed myself for a moment, trying to find the right words. "May I be blunt?"
They nodded. "Well then......It is about last night...."
The two brothers shared an understanding look. "My friends, Bella Cedi and Felicia Dilena, danced with you two last night when unusual things happened."
"How so? Is it not often your friend Miss Dilena calls attention to herself and Miss Cedi dances with people?" Luke inquired.
"With all due respect Luke, I know those two better than you and I dare say that Bella has never danced with anyone before, let alone someone like you!"
Luke interrupted, "What do you mean when you say someone like me?"
With each word he said, Luke's face grew more angered and more agitated as it turned tomato red with frustration.
"I only mean to say someone with such high social standing."
"You disrespect me and you dare to disrespect your friend when she is not present! You are such a bad person and the worse guest this manor has ever seen! You are to leave at once without a word!"
He whirled around and shouted, "Catherine  Barden! Take this insolent girl out of this manor at once and make sure she does not talk!"
The maid that showed me in walked into the room, shrinking away from Luke as she crossed the room to me.
"Come, miss," she mumbled, fear clearly leaking into her voice.
Looking back before the maid shut the door to the parlor, I saw Luke pacing back and forth in front of the roaring fire, fury masking his face. Once the door closed, the maid turned toward me, apologizing profusely, "Sorry about Luke. He is easily angered. I should know," touching her cheek, "He has a lot to learn."
Shaking my head, I informed her, "It is my fault for angering him in the first place. I must go. I wish you luck with Luke."
I walked myself to the front door and left, wondering why the maid referred to one of  her masters by his first name. Curious she should. Hmmmm.......There is more important things for me to do then pay attention to what servants do.


"I have been screamed at for the last fifteen minutes and all I told you was what others were saying about you, not what I thought!"
Felicia ceased her shrieking and stared at me with wide eyes. "What do you think of all of it?" She questioned, curiosity overcoming any fear.
"I do not know what to think." I admitted.   
The doorbell rang. Startled Felicia asked, "Now, who may that possibly be?"
We sat in silence, waiting for the maid to bring in this mysterious guest. Felicia and I did not have to wait long before we heard the maid and the guest walking down the hall to the sitting room where Felicia and I were. The maid entered, followed by Rosie. "Are you okay, Rosie? And how may I ask are you?" Felicia inquired.
"No need to be polite and I am not fine. I was just in an awful argument."
I looked at Felicia, who was on the verge of asking who Rosie had the argument with, and shook my head violent, for I could see how upset Rosie was. "That sounds horrible, but let's move past that. What are you doing here?" Felicia said instead.
"Well, I came here to see you Felicia, but seeing that Bella is here, too, that is even better."
I was puzzled. How could I have anything to do with the reason she visited Felicia? So, I asked Rosie and she replied, "I will get to that in a second. First, I have a question for Felicia. Did you fall on purpose to get attention?"
Oh, boy! Here we go again. I stepped in, "That is the reason I came to visit Felicia. I have been yelled at for at least fifteen minutes and do not need to hear any more yelling. No she did not fall on purpose to get attention. The heel on her shoe broke. See." I held Felicia's shoe from the previous night up.
"Fine. I will do everything in my power to help Felicia get rid of the gossip." Rosie commented.
     Irritated Felicia said, "I am right here. You do realize that right."
     "Sorry, I do that when I am thinking out loud. Bella, why were you dancing with Luke last night?"
     "He was apologizing for mistaking me as a lady." I informed Rosie, heat rushing to my cheeks.
     Rosie shook her head. "That would be Luke for you, always trying to be a gentlemen."
We all talked for an hour about the events that occurred last night-Felicia being ignored when she arrived late, me becoming center of attention when I arrived late, me being mistaken as a lady, me dancing with Luke, Felicia falling, even Rosie's aunt and uncle coming to the ball. Both Rosie and I stayed for lunch before we both had to leave and return to our homes.
"Bye!" We all said to each other, content with our adventures between the past few days.

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