When I got done getting ready I ran down the stairs to get my brothers or the turtles to how Shadow thinks of them. When I get down stairs I set off through the whole bottom floor of the pack house looking for the turtles.

'I think their in the game room stupid turtles'

Ok I'll check there. I respond back to shadow. I turn into the hallway that the game room door is in good thing they made the rooms sound proof or all you could here is cuss words when one if them fail. Which if mom heard they would all be 6 foot under. When I open the door I get bombarded with a bunch of F@#$ yous and shits because I hit the TV with the door because my parents didn't think we needed a big room for the game room but now they have 4 boys and me the only girl.

"What the F@#$ sis I was about to win"

"Awe sorry Jay but I was wondering if you guys wanted to go for a run with me and Shadow."

'Tell the turtles I said hi'

"Shadow says hi turtles."

"Tell her she needs to stop calling us turtle she is just a tad bit faster because she's a girl."

'Not true it depends on the shape of the wolf and there energy'

"Shadow says no you are just fat f@#$s and are way out of shape" they all turned and glared at me so I decided to take that as a que to go. I turned around and slammed the door and booked it out the front door and shifted into Shadow shredding my clothes. I could hear them all on the other side of the door running each other over. I gave my best wolf laugh and booked it into the woods giving a exciting wolf howl. I could hear the front door being ripped off the hinges and a bunch of paw thuds on the ground. I sprinted to my secret hiding place. While I was running I think I smelt Dike so I took off after him. This chase is gonna be fun lets just hope the turtles can't catch up.


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Moonlight out

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