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I woke up to Lacey shaking me "hey I didn't know when you wanted me to wake you up but... Get up!" she yelled in my ear. She took the covers and pulled them off the bed then grabbed me and threw a pillow in my face. We started to laugh when I started to throw them back at her." So what's going on ? " I asked her."What do you mean?" she asked back. "Why did you wake me up?" I looked at the time on my phone which was laying on the bed."At 7:23am on a Saturday."

She had a tendency of starting things and not finishing them and half of the time that was our conversation's. It used to bother me a lot but I just seemed to ignore it. But it's OK since I tend to ignore her too.

When I looked at Lacey she had this look on her face and I couldn't quite tell what it meant. Together we had been through a lot and there are some things we have been through that are just too crazy to talk about. Sometimes there are things we have come across that have left us with nightmares, and seeing her with this look was telling me that something was wrong. Sometimes Lacey can feel my emotions and when I see her like this it makes me feel wrong cause I have no idea what she is dealing with until she tells me.

"Lacey are you OK." No response. Her eyes weren't on me they were focused somewhere else behind me. When I turned around I saw nothing other than a minty colored wall. When I looked back at her she had her eyes on mine. "Lacey?" Again no response.

I didnt think anything of it because she likes to play little jokes on me and that's exactly what I was thinking it was. Until I reached my hand out to touch her criss-cross legs and she didn't even flinch. When I noticed she wasn't blinking nor was she breathing I started to freak out.

I grabbed my phone and started to dial 9-1-1. "Hello"..." Yes um I don't know what happened me and my friend Lacey Willow were just messing around and all of a sudden..." I couldn't get myself to words. There was something tugging the inside of me telling me and forcing me to keep talking but when I saw, that Lacey was walking into my bed room with a smile when just seconds ago she was sitting on my bed. I didn't know what to say so I just hung up.

"Um are you OK?" I didn't know what had just happened and I felt like I wasn't using the right words. I wanted to freak out and yell what the hell but I didn't know what it was or what happened.
"What do you mean?" I thought she was acting dumb. "Where were you I could have swore that you were just in here sitting on my bed." "I was down stairs making pancakes and talking to your mom. Why is something wrong?" I didn't know what was wrong. "Were you in here when we had a pillow fight?" I had to ask because it felt so real.

It got really quiet and it stayed that that way for a few seconds. "Mel what are talking about I've only been here an hour and as soon as I got here you mom was taking the trash out so she let me in through the front door. I've been talking to your mom all this time and I started to make pancakes. I haven't been up here since last night. So what are you talking about?"

I didn't want her to think I was stupid or anything I just didn't understand it. Mabey it was just a dream but if so I would remember waking up on my own instead of Lacey waking me. Why was it this happened but it didn't or at least it seemed like it happened and it really didn't.

"What's going on Mel?" She asked but I didn't acknowledge her. For a minute I took some time to think. "Mel?" "What?" and I just looked at her. "Never mind lets eat."


All the way to the kitchen I could feel Lacey's eyes on me. I knew she was concerned and I was glad she cared so much. I knew she had questions and the truth about it was I didn't have the answers.

In the kitchen I saw my mom at the kitchen table. Usually you would have seen my dad there with a newspaper in his face but since he died she has taken his place. I think its just the feeling of doing something he used to do, lets her feel like he's still close to her and I don't blame her.

When my dad was around he worked as a police officer and no dought had a lot of enemy's. There were many things that my dad had been through and some of which caused harm to our family but we all learned to except it because as an officer those type of things would happen. He was a good man and a good husband and over all a good father. In the end so much good also has to lead to a little bad.

When my dad was on his way back to the police department with an other officer, a black SUV was following them and someone shot and killed my dad who was in the driver's seat. The car went into a ditch and the car caught in flames. The passenger got out in time before the car exploded.

But the past is in the past it still hurts but when I think of it at least the man who killed him was brought to justice, and of course my father is now in a better place.

"Hey mom" I said to her, she seemed to be focused on the paper and to my surprise she looked up with a smile."Hey sweetie."
"How many pancakes do you two want?" Out of the three of us Lacey was the best cook. Yeah my mom knew how to cook but she didn't know how to cook as good as Lacey. Usually that's who cooks around the house, while moms at work or when I'm cleaning the house.

"Um two" me and mom said at the same time. Then laughed. "So what's planned for today?" The weekends are the only time that me and Lacey ever get to see my mom since she works as a nurse full-time. So when we get this time together we do something fun and considering that it's almost summer there's more options.

"What are you talking about Mel its Wednesday?" Lacey's voice sounded concerned. I looked down at my phone and to my surprise was in my hands and it said it was Wednesday April 12, 2015. Then I remembered that it was the dreamthing, that had happened in the bed room that was confusing me." I could have sworn that it was Saturday."

"Wait mom if its Wednesday then why are you still here shouldn't you be at work?" "I don't have to leave until 6:00 and its 5:34 in the morning. What I don't understand is why you two are awake at this time any way you have school to get ready for here soon. You should be happy you get the sleep you do."

I was understanding what she was talking about. With her shift she doesn't get much sleep and we are taking it for granted. Even though she was tired you wouldn't be able to tell just by looking at her. She would have to tell you because her beauty and her smile hides everything that's underneath.

Mom was the most beautiful woman that I had ever seen and in this small town of Georgia she's the beautiful one around. Yes there are some really pretty girls here but nobody could top my mom.

Most woman were jealous of her. Her long black hair and blue eyes. She was tall with curves but still slender she had a smile that could light up your day. She had a laugh that was just perfect, it sounded like a perfect rhythm. It was weird that I had a perfect mom. When I wasn't as perfect as her.

"OK girls I'm gonna go ahead and leave because I don't know if traffic will be bad or not." She got up and kissed me and Lacey on the forehead. Her scrubs for work were a baby blue that matched her eyes." Thanks for the pancakes Lacey. Hey I won't be home till Friday there are some things I have to do. I trust that you two will keep the house clean and those types of things OK. Bye." "Bye" me and Lacey say at the same time.

It was weird that my mom was leaving with that type of excuse. Yeah she's an adult and that should be enough but she never just left like that. There was something telling me to run to her and say I love you but I had a feeling I should just stay.

There was something that seemed to be bothering her. Its just strange. I've come to notice things like this especially when it comes to my mom. She can be in the happiest mood ever but deep down she is hiding the truth with a smile and a laugh.

When just seconds ago when she seemed fine she was just hiding how she felt with a newspaper and a small smile.

"Hey Mel" I heard mom say before she walked out of the door. "Yeah?"" I love you" she said and walked out before I could say anything back.

"I love you too" I mumble to myself.

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