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She looked free and happy. She had a spark in her eyes that lit me up and for once it seemed like she was different. Seeing her with Chase was enough for me. Knowing that she was trying her best to stay away from me made me want to get closer to her. There was something about her that intimidated me. I didn't know if it was the way she showed off with Chase when she saw me looking or the way she was playing the bitch role. When clearly she wasn't like that.

The way her eyes looked against the fire was breath taking. Her eyes were blue and green. The perfect mix. As I looked her in the eyes I couldn't help it. I just had to mess with the fire. I knew she had noticed. I didn't intend on that part but I wanted the fire to show the colors in her eyes.

When I saw the way she lit up after the fire had changed I wanted to say something to her but I knew that would mean questions and I didn't want that.


Looking over at Melany I caught Chase's glare on me. I knew Chase, he was another one of those guys that likes a girl one moment and the next he leaves her for some slut that shows her boobs too much.

Knowing that he was drunk there was no telling how things would turn out with him and Mel. But there was something that told me he wouldn't do that to her. He knew what type of pain she was in and how much he would be putting on her if he did that.

They were friends and have been for a long time he knew her and with the way he looks at her he feels something for her, and deeply.

"Hey, so hows everything going for your first day?" I didn't see who was talking to me but as I realized it I noticed it was Chase. "It was good I haven't been to a party like this in a while" I couldn't tell if he was pissed off or just trying to be friendly.

"Why did you move here?" I could tell that he noticed me looking at Mel. He was protective of her. "Georgia is a nice place and thought I'd come down for the first time."

"I saw the way you were looking at Mel." She wasn't around. Thank God she was with Lacey and Kala. I didn't want Mel to notice anything even though she probably already did. "Yeah and is that a problem?" I wanted to get cocky with him and see what he would do.

Looking at him through the fire while he was on the other side standing to keep warm. He gave me a look. I knew more than anything around here. I knew that they just had a good night and there is no telling if they were together or not. So in a way it's all fair square.

"Yeah it is a problem you just got here so I'll give it to you this time. Don't mess with Melany she's clearly not interested and I don't want us to get off on the wrong hand you first day here because you seem like a pretty cool guy so I just want to put this behind us."

All of a sudden there was a strike of lightening and the sky lit up. Thunder cracked and the sky rumbled. Everyone was getting up and running to there cars as rain poured across the beach. Thunder rumbled the sky and lightning lit the sky up once again.

I stood there for a second and watched the fire die down. When I looked up I saw Chase trying to get Melany to leave with him but she wanted to stay with Lacey for a few more minutes.

He tried to grab her arm and say that the storm is going to get worse but she shrugged him off. He then walked away "I'll call you later" he yelled over the falling rain. It wasn't that she wanted to stay with Lacey it was because something was bothering her.

When everyone was gone and the rain was at its fullest point I watched Melany walk into the water. She looked lost when not to long ago she was fine thinking there was nothing better than what she had.

She bent down and grabbed a hand full of sand and through it in the water. As she kept walking she was slowly sinking into the ocean. She screamed and I saw her own tear falling from her face.

When not to log ago she was thinking nothing other than how amazing her night was she was now breaking down in the rain because of something that was bothering her.

Tears were falling from her face and were mixing with the falling rain. She screamed again and took her hands and started to pull her hair. She screamed again and fell in the water.

I didn't know what to do so I ran to her. I didn't remember running to her, all I knew was in an instant I was in the water picking her up out of it. I carried her onto the sand and laid her down. She was cold and her eyes were a little red. She looked like she had nothing yet has everything.

I bent down and pressed my hand over her for head and wrapped my arms around her. I tried to bring my warmth into her and feel her heart beat again. I didn't know how long she was in the water before I had got to her. But there was only one way to save her.

I closed my eyes and with all the will power I had, tried to bring her back. I opened my eyes and saw a glow starting to engulf her body.

She was the first. Yes I have tried to save people before but none of witch had ever been engulf in any sort of glow.

She was the one. The last of us. The glow dissipated and there was a marking that appeared on her arm. It was a swirle that started on the under half of her wrist and worked it's way up to about half way through her arm.

Mid point of her arm there was a different marking it was a circle with swirls on the out side of it and four arrows inside of it pointing in different directions.

When the marking was done in printing on her it glowed a bright violet purple. She flinched at the pain that was craving to be let out in her arm.

As I looked at her, her eyes were still closed. I then looked around and remembered that it was still pouring. I noticed that her pulse was fading and her breathing was slowing down.

I grabbed her hands and intertwined our fingers. I looked at her and pushed her wet hair out of her face.

"Melany Hall your the daughter of Chris and Katie Hall, you are beautiful. Have a future you are not supposed to die like this! Mel your going through a change and I'm right here. Melany your a w..."

I felt her wrap her fingers around my hand a little harder. But she wouldn't open her eyes. I then slowly felt her release her grip and felt her head drop.

"The light has met the dark...!"

I started to scream. I couldn't bare the thought of watching another person die in front of me eyes. Melany was apart of our group weather she knew it or not and we needed her.

I grabbed the closest rock I could grab and sliced my hand.

"Release her from the dark and let the light shine again!"

I took my hand placed it on her forehead and let my blood wash over her face.

"Let the light shine again!"

I screamed even louder.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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