Chapter One

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It was dark, peaceful, and quiet. I didnt have to do anything but sleep, I was so tired to begin with. I died so I can sleep as long as I like, no one will miss me anyway.

"Nicole, my angel, wake up." I hurd someone say gently. Why is someone trying to wake me up? I wanted to sleep.

"No I want to sleep, im tired." I said softly in response not opening my eyes.

"Come on my little one, you need to open your eyes and wake up." A man said this time, his voice almost sounded familiar.

It was almost as if a light bulb went off in my head when I realized the two nicknames they called me. My eyes flew open and was met with the two people I longed for.

My grandparents.

My eyes started to water, as I stood up and my grandmother said softly "dont cry my angel were here now." I hugged them both tightly.

"So I really am dead?" I asked confused.

"Almost," another voice spoke. I turned around to see who it was and it was Red.

"Red! Your here!" I yelled running to her and tackled her hugging her also. "Im sorry Red, im so sorry I wasnt stronger." I said as I started to cry again into her fur.

"Oh Nicole, shh, you are the strongest person I know. And I know you fought for as long as possible." She said.

"My children," someone else said. We looked around and saw Luna. "Im glad you two are safe, but you both have been here for far too long sleeping. You need to go back now."

"No." I said and looked away from her.

"Im with Nicole on this one, we have been threw so much already. We are tired and you want us to go back?" Red said exactly what I was going to say. Oh how I love my wolf.

"I know you have, and for that im sorry. But have you truly forgotten about the evils in the world? Have you forgotten about you guardians and protectors? Your companion? And your mate?" She looked at us then continued "they are all waiting for you to wake up. They need you more now then ever. Are you both just going to abandon them?"

I looked down in shame, she was right. "No, we cant, as much as we both want to stay we do need to go back. But..." I spoke softly.

"But what my child?" Luna asked.

"You didnt say anything about Loki, did he die?" I asked almost in tears.

"No, hes not dead." She took a deep breath and said "but he needs your help, I believe he might be in danger."

Me and Red just nod at her because we knew now that we had to go back. Our head poped up when my grandmother started to speak again.

"We will be watching over you my angel, we love you so much." My grandmother said. I wrapped her in a long hug. Then hugged my grandfather next, I turned to Luna and asked "I take it ill be seeing you again?"

She smiled and said "when you need me most ill be there."

I turned to Red and said "come on, lets go back, we have to find Loki."

"Wait, one more thing," Luna said as she stopped us.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You have been gone so long that you no longer bare Luke's mark. The only mark you have is Maires." She said sadly.

"What? Why?" I asked quickly.

"If you do not mate by the first full moon after being marked, it disappears. Im sorry." She said sadly.

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