Chapter Six

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We arrived back at our old pack and was met by alpha Tom and the beta Tray. They were happy to see us again, and welcomed our return.

"Im so glad to see you are doing well Nicole. I have kept my promise, here are the keys. Stay here as long as you need, you know you and yours are always welcomed." Alpha Tom says.

"Thank you." I said to him with a smile. "This might seem rude and I do apologize, but it was a long journey. Can we catch up after we rest for a little while?" I ask.

"Not a problem I understand. Get some sleep, when you wake up come find me." He said with a kind smile.

I nodded then we all made our way to my grandparents house. When we pulled up memories started to play in my head from when I was little. I still cant believe there both gone. When we got out I said "I dont care what rooms you all sleep in except. My room and my grandparents room is off limits. If I catch any one of you in those rooms with out my permission there will be a severe punishment given. Now go get some sleep."

They all shook a bit but then nodded there heads. I made my way to the front door, took a deep breath and opened it. I took a deep breath again and thought 'im finally home.' I made my way to my room and opened the door and saw nothing and been changed. Which made me smile.

I set my stuff down and walked over to my grandparents room and looked at the door for a minute. I was deciding on weither or not to go in. In the end I decided to go in. When I did it still had a faint smell of them in here. I felt a pang to my heart, there was a hole that could never be fill. I crawled up onto there bed, grabbed there pillows and cried myself to sleep. In the end I didnt realise how much I missed them with everything else that was going on.

A few hours later I woke up, the house was quiet except for the snoring and heavy breathing coming from the other rooms. I opened the balcony doors quietly and took off. I needed to be by myself and clear my head.

I flew to the lake where I always went to with the twins. I haven't been here since that night, I was to scared to. As I flew down I saw that nothing had changed, it was still as beautiful as it was the last time I saw it. My mind was going a mile a minute and I needed to clear my head and think. I had decided to go after the dark fae king first. They're located near our old pack, so I was a little shocked when they said it.


"Were going on a hunt!" I yelled as I landed.

"FINALLY!" Sonja yelled excitedly and started to dance in place.

"Who are we going after?" John and Josh asked at the same time.

"The dark fae king" I told them.

"There located about a half a days run from the Raven pack....." Sam started but was cut off by Luke.

"Like hell you are! I just got you back! No way in hell are you leaving again." Luke yelled.

I just ignored him and said "pack your things we leave in an hour. Tell your mates goodbye because they are to stay here and guard this pack. Make sure they know its on my orders."

"Yes alpha" they all said then took off.

I was now left alone with Luke, when I turned towards him he grabbed my arms and said "your not leaving and thats final. I will lock you up if I have to."

Before I could say anything, Achilles said angrily "take your hands off her!"

"Who the hell are you!? And this is between me and my mate so but out!" Luke yelled.

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