The sun was shining threw the curtains in my face. The bed felt cold, and I couldn't hear anyone in the room. I opened my eyes slowly and sat up. I was not expecting to see who I saw standing at the foot of my bed. "how are you here?" I ask quietly.
"Why do you choose to be with a boy? He is no man, he has disrespected you in so many ways, yet you still choose him." He takes a breath then asks "why not be with someone who will treat you right? Give you the respect you deserve?"
"Are you saying your that man Achilles?" I question him starting to get angry.
"I can be, if you let me little heart." He says.
"You had no right to spy on my dreams anymore, I did not give you permission, or even to look into any of my other fears. As I see it, you have disrespected me and my privacy." I say looking away from him.
"Im sorry little heart, I just wanted to see you and to know you better. Since you saved me and my kind, you have intrigued me." He said softly as he sat on the foot of the bed.
I shook my head then said "so your after my power too huh?"
"No!" He said quickly and loudly.
"Right!? And I can believe that! You take it apon yourself to go threw some of my memories. Who gave you that right? If you had just asked I would have told you. But you didnt..." I say disgusted.
"Little heart...." he started but I cut him off saying "no, you listen now. I am very angry with you right now. So tell me the truth on why you are here."
He nods and says "little heart, im sorry for my disrespectful behaviour. I never ment to hurt you, I just want to protect you like you did for me." He looked away then took a breath and said "when we got back to our village, everything was burned to the ground. Little heart, nothing was left. That bastard killed the last of my kind. We have no where safe to go now, we are all thats left."
"Then come back to me." I said looking him in his eyes.
"Little heart, that will only put you in danger." He said quickly.
"Yeah, im always in Danger. That bastard wants me too. So if we stick together we can help each other out." I say.
"What do you mean, he wants you too?" He said getting angry.
"Its easier if I show you" I said softly almost broken. Then thought back to when I first met him.
I was in the woods waiting on the twins to get back from there trip. It was a full moon, and I was by our lake. I hurd the branch break, and I thought it was them. When I turned around I saw Drake instead. Then he pinned me down ripped my shirt and bra and he almost sucked me dry. When the twins showed up, thats when he marked me as his beloved.
I came out of the nightmare of that night and said "every full moon, you can see his mark. He marked me before I shifted for the first time, so it only shows up on that of the full moon."
"Little heart," he said as he pulled me into him I didnt know I was crying. "Shh, dont cry, he cant hurt you here. Stay were you are, me and mine are on are way to you right now."
I nodded my head and said "ill see you soon." Then closed my eyes.
This time when I opened my eyes I saw and felt all of them pinning me to the bed. I smiled, I would have loved to stay there longer but my bladder had other opinions. "OK! Everyone up! I have to pee and all of you have to move. Unless you want me to pee on You?"

Broken Wolfwing (Revenge Is Sweet)
WerewolfNicole had given up, she was tired of the fighting, and the constant pain. In her eyes and her wolfs eyes they were done, they had had enough. They were both ready to let go, and rest in peace. But something changed while she slept, something insid...