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When we arrived at our witness protection house it was a four bedroom house  on the beach with a pool and it was on the beach. I thought to myself i can get use to this and I don't have to go to school wow. We walked in the house and everyone claimed there rooms accept I waited until everyone was done because i wasn't in the mood to fight with anyone. I got the last room it had a beautiful balcony with sliding glass doors and a beautiful view of the ocean. I was so happy with it. The room was painted light blue with a beautiful bed spread that was blue with embroidered blue flowers on it. The bed was queen size. My brother and sister interrupted my peace by coming in and screaming " mom why does she get the big room its not fair". I looked back and said " Im older there fore I win". They ran away screaming and I shut the door. Later that day i thought i would go for a walk to see whats out there. My mom was iffy at first but I played that but Im a teenager u can trust me card so I got to go. I left the house and walked down the beach all the way to the pier. I was walking along the docks day dreaming. When some guy ran into me and nudged me almost of the dock, but he caught my hand and stopped me. I looked up and saw this boy with short brown hair and greenish hazel eyes, with a perfect face. I was at a loss of words and answered with "hi im...Ember". He smiled at me and said "hey Im Thomas". He pulled me up on the dock and said "are you new around here". I said "ya I just moved here". He kept asking me questions but I didn't mind. "O wait are u the family who just moved in on cranberry lane". I answered with " ya why do ask?". He answered with " I ask because I live across the street and was wondering if you wanted to walk home with me?". I answered with "sure". We walked home and talked the whole back. He dropped me off at my house and ran across the street to his house and that was the end of the best day of my life. 

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