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After a car wreck that left her as one of the only survivor, she was never the same. Before the accident she was a quiet, shy girl-mostly because she hid her true self from everyone, especially from her family.

To her it was torture not be able to speak her mind, even on the simplest of topics, but after many years of being subjected to be that way she has grown accustomed to it. The personality that her family saw was a very bratty girl that was conceited, lazy, and who didn't show them the respect that they deserved. She did respect them but after some time of being treated horribly and not having her opinion being taken into consideration she just stopped.

Her family was divided, and got worse when they moved every time supposedly for the best and that they would stay there too; but it was never for more than two or three years. It was their third moved when she finally gave up on hoping that they would stay somewhere for good, it is now their fifth.

The new her is a smartass, mouthy girl that doesn't take anything negative from anyone, she doesn't let what they say affect her at all, and she finally speaks her mind, most of the time. Nobody at her school really knew why she changed, they don't know that she was involved in the crash, let alone one of the survivors. The only person or family that knew is the first officer on the scene, Joseph Summerton and his son Marc also, because he's the one that saved her.

She didn't want to have to move again, especially back with the rest of her family, she doesn't want to burden them, they are busy making their lives and hers was with her parents and sister but they are gone now and she is lost. One was just a newlywed the month before, the other has just started to raise his family of four, while the last one is traveling for his work. With everything going on in their lives she didn't want to add another stressor to any of their lives, so she stayed.

After some convincing on her part Joseph finally agreed to let her stay, and in her house but on one condition, that his son Marc had to live with her so that she won't get in trouble. Eight months into the agreement Joseph became her legal guardian and then she had to move with them to a bigger house and he let her pick one, much to Marc's disappointment.

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