Chapter 1

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*2 hours before*

I remember arguing with my sister over a show, I think it was either Doctor Who or Supernatural. I can't remember much more about it except that we were laughing. We went to the car still talking and once we got into the car we waited for our parents to come out, I think that I heard them arguing. Other than that, it was a good memory, but try as I might I can't remember anything else, even where we were going. Though I think it was important because we had to hurry to get going.

Everything felt normal, we were still talking, laughing, and taking pictures of each other. That's when everything went wrong, first a car ran a red just barely missing us, Dad braked real hard, Mom was screaming like she always does whenever we had a near miss in a car. Dad cussed at the car that was now speeding away but he didn't see the truck coming straight at us. I tried to warn them but they ignored me, as usual.

There were three people in that truck, a man driving who looked shocked and scared. He look like he was trying to brake but he couldn't. Then there was a woman in the front seat next to him, it look like she was yelling something at him but it wasn't helping. The third person was a little boy probably no older than two. He was in a baby seat in the middle seat of the back.

Then it happened, the impact of the truck hitting our car was fast and hard, it was like we were moving before we actually felt it. The truck would have pushed us farther if not for the light pole on the corner of the street. After the initial shock was over, I realized that my body was so sore and that the car was at an odd angle. There was so much commotion surrounding the crash, I could hear people yelling things but I couldn't catch what they were saying, and I thought that I heard crying. I tried to move but it was useless, it hurt too much, I couldn't even if I tried. I tried calling for help but I don't think that they could hear me over their own talking, it was worse that I couldn't even hear myself.

It started getting really hot very fast, the voices turned more frantic, I tried to yell again but louder this time, I didn't think that they would come, and soon I backed out, not before some for the voices got closer.

I was in and out of consciousness for what felt like hours but I couldn't really tell. I kept hearing voices but I couldn't make out most of the words. I tried to move my arm but something was holding it back, when I tried to turn my head to see what it was, I let out a groan because it felt really sore.


That was when the voices stopped and a nurse came forward and told me what happened. When she said she was deeply sorry for my losses I didn't understand her, then she elaborated but the only word I heard was 'crash' and soon my mind made the connection. At first I didn't move at all, then I took in my surroundings and saw that I was in a hospital bed with needles stuck in both my arms. After a couple seconds of registering everything, my memory came flooding back but only bits and pieces, then I got up and was moving. The nurse tried to stop me but she wrongly underestimated me.

I made it out the door but was mostly stumbling, as I was getting out of the room I saw many people were rushing to get me back in my bed but I wouldn't let them, then one got smart and brought a syringe and stuck it in my arm, after a bit I lost my fight and soon after, my consciousness.

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