Chapther 9: What happend?

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(In the hotel Leo and Angel are chatting in the room)
Leo:so Angel get ready
Angel:for what?
Leo:I'm about to tell you what happend while you were unconscious
Leo:this is what happened
(3 days earlier)
Leo:oh no guys Angel is unconscious
Jennifer:he sealed our powers
Electra:now I'll kill him!!!!
(Electra grabs a sword and runs toward Angel)
Leo:oh no guys we can't move
Andres:protect Angel!!!!
Angie:is this the end!!
(Someone appears out of nowhere and breakers the sword)
XXX:no you won't kill this boy
XXX:he and someone else have a very special future
XXX:let them live longer
Electra:oh it's you...oh well if you say so(smiles Evil)
Electra:I'll leave him alone for now
(XXX turns around to Leo and his friends)
XXX:you guys protect him alright
(XXX whispers something to Leo)
XXX:tell your friend and for you too that some trials await you two
Leo:what are you aiming for exactly
XXX:you wish to grasp the truth then find me,I'll be waiting
(XXX disappears with Electra and Jennifer)
(Leo is shocked)
Angie:what did he tell you
Leo:anyway let's get Angel to the hospital
(Present day)
Leo:anyway that's what happend
Angel:I get it..ok
(Angel stands up)
Angel:then we'll just follow his game
Leo:but it may be a trap
Angel:don't worry I know it isn't
Leo narrates
He dares to follow his plans knowing it might be a trap this guys is really reckless
Angel:well how do we start
Leo:there's something he said about finding his hideout
Angel:well he appeared out of knowhere
Leo:he's voice sounded dark
Angel:like Electra
Angel:so maybe his a shadow
Leo:well in shadow world
Angel:where is that exactly
Leo:is located in the park
Leo:but first,to open the portal we need to pass a labyrinth
Leo:the boss of that labyrinth holds the key to the portal
Angel:and where is the labyrinth
Leo:in the mall
Angel:ok it settle everyday after school well go to the mall
Leo:there's a special room in the mall
Angel:that where it starts
Angel:should we tell the others
Leo:sure we need all the help we can get
Leo:except about the future stuff
Angel:right!!!then it's settle tomorrow we go to the labyrinth!!!!

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