Chapther 28: Epilogue

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(At that moment Leo wakes up)
Leo:huh.....what happened(confused)
Leo:you!!!!!!!(points at minazuki while he takes out his scythe)
Angel:no Leo wait!!!!
Angel:he's alright now he calmed he won't be a threat to us
Leo:so....minazuki can we be friends now still think of me as a friend Leo
Leo:sure(smiles)why not?
(They shake hands)
(The castle starts to shake a lot and stuff start falling)
Angel:what's happening!!!!!
Minazuki:oh no!!!!!since I gave up on my mission to destroy the world
Minazuki:this castle was created from the way I thought in my mind
Minazuki:and when I started to think differently.....the castle lost its purpose
Minazuki:so now the castle gonna get destroyed
Leo:we need to get out of here!!!!
(They start running to Andrés and Angie while avoiding the ruble that is falling down)
Angel:Andrés ,Angie!!!!!!!!
Andres:hey dude we finished here now are you.....
Andres:what's he doing here!!!!!(points at minazuki)
Leo:we will explain later for now let's get out of here he's friendly now
Minazuki:right!!!come on there's an exit pass the hallway we should hurry
(They all start running evading ruble and holes in the ground)
Minazuki:come on the exit is right there
All:finally lets go!!!
(Angie,minazuki,Leo get out)
Angel:come on Andrés!!!
Andres:right.....hey angel let's get out off this alive and together ok
Angel:of course Andrés I know we will all survive
(Just then a boulder falls on Andrés crushing his leg)
Andres:go.....on without me
Angel:what are you saying I'm not gonna leave you here to die!!!!!(screaming)
Andres:come on hurry Angel you don't got time to save me the exit is getting blocked by rocks and you will die too if you don't hurry and escaped !!!!
Angel:no!!!!!persona!!!!break the Boulder
(The persona breaks the Boulder and Angel tries to carry Andrés to the exit)
Angel:I ain't gonna leave you alone!!!
Andres:but you're and my leg is broken you can't save me!!!!!
Angel:I will try(carrying him to the exit)
Leo:Angel!!!!!we can't enter a force field won't let us get inside
Minazuki:but it will let you get out so....hurry!!!!
Angel narrates
Just as Andrés said it's impossible for me to drag him to safety but forget that I refuse to let him die.....oh shit we are now so close to the exit but suddenly I see a giant boulder about to crush us..oh shit I'm dead I can't escape sorry guys for letting you down(starts to cry)....just then.....I feel a push throwing me outside when I looked behind was....Andrés who  me pushed out... I get shocked he says something to me before getting crushed by the Boulder and dying
Minazuki:damn it!!!
(The castle gets completely destroyed and disappears)
Angel....he.........he's.......gone......why..........why.....was I couldn't help(crying)
Leo:damn it!!!!!!!!!!
(Minazuki puts his hand on Angel shoulder)
Minazuki:I' for your lost but hey we need to get out of the labyrinth were in danger of shadows
(They leave the labyrinth)
Angel:hey guys.....I think I need to be alone for awhile
Leo:oh.....ok take care
Angel:yeah you too
(Angel goes out the school and its sitting on the top of the mountain)
( Angel Starts to think of the flashback of Andrés said)
Andres:don't sad or mad after this...ok Angel.....I did.....this so you can live longer my time is already done now....but hey don't let my death be in vain....I'm glad I met you Angel your a great friend and person don't ever forget that ..................take care (right then he gets crushed by the Boulder)
Angel(crying a little)
(Just then Leo,Angie,Edgar,Alexis,Jonathan appear) how your doing
Angel:huh...uh I'm fine thanks
Jonathan:come on Leo stop being so touchy and gay
Leo:what the hell did you say(starts punching Jonathan) that hurt did I hurt your flower Leo
Leo:do you want another!!!!!!
Jonathan:no I'm ok
(Angel giggles and then starts to laugh)
Leo:huh...what's wrong Angel?
Angel:nothing I'm just glad I met all of you
Edgar:yeah we're your friends Angel don't forget that ok
Angel:friends huh ......that's sounds right ..thank you
Jonathan:well anyway do you like tacos
Angie,Alondra:damn it!!!! Jonathan way to ruin the moment!!!
(They all start fighting)
Angel narrates
During all this adventures I learned something ....that I was weak before that Is your friends who give you strength and every encounter with anyone changes you whenever you want it or not.....that's where true strength comes from not form doing some exercise or pills or training not of that matters what does really give you strength it's...depending and helping your friends that's what I think that there's where true power come from ...from your friends and your encounter with them will certainly will be some heck of an adventure

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