Chapther 21: The menacing duo!!!

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Rise:heads up guys I'm sensing a very powerful power inside of her
Akihito:I'm getting pumped
Electra:I'm surprised you done this much damage to my master
Sho:oh I'm just getting started(demonic)
(Sho stands up)
Leo:but we....
Andres:how are you standing!!!!!
Sho:(demonic)the one you defeated is sho I'm minazuki
Minazuki:I'm granting this boy' wish by giving him power
Alondra:that's messed up
Minazuki:this kid's wish is to destroy the world
Angel:that's not true!!!!
Angel:the bonds we all form..........that's what gives us strength!!!!
Minazuki:damn this kid(angry)
Minazuki:Electra shut him up!!!!!!
Electra:as you say master
(Electra runs up to Angel)
Electra:you guys!!!!(angry)
(Everyone gets healed)
Leo:ok now we can attack!!
Yukari:fire arrows!!
Electra:damn I can't move
(The arrows hit Electra)
Angel:great she's down
Minazuki:I didn't think you could beat her so fast
Andres:just tells you how stronger we are than before
(Electra revives)
Minazuki:we aren't done yet!!!!
(Everyone gets critically injured)
Yosuke:wha.......t.......the(injured) (injured)
Minazuki:why keep fight just DIE!!!!
Electra:(thinks)oh this kid never gives up,but.....that's what makes him unique(pedophile)
Minazuki:what did you say!!!!!
Angel:I won't give up to a scum who thinks only for himself only!!!!
Minazuki:can't you see I'm saving you guys!!!
Minazuki:I'm saving you from a world full of despair and loneliness
Angel:by......killing us!!!!!(looks directly at Minazuki and stands up miraculously)
Angel:I don't care if the world is full of despair !!!!!
Angel:as long as I have my friends......I can find a way out of it!!!!
Minazuki:I'm really getting pissed...I'll ...
Minazuki:I'll KILL YOU
(Yu's team appears out of knowhere)
Yu:well said Angel!!!!!
Ken:don't worry leave it to us
(Tears come out of Angel's eye) his face down)
Minazuki:huh even more brats to kill
(Makoto's team come out of the next door with Jennifer behind them)
Makoto:we got a problem,she's really strong(tired)
Jennifer:oh hi master how's the situation(Jennifer comes out of a smoke)
Minazuki:we got everyone gather nice
Minazuki:Electra,Jennifer go all out I got a guest to receive
(Minazuki turns his back on everyone)
Minazuki :I got a guest to receive

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