Chapther 25: The fallen boy

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Angie:wait the fallen boy
Angel:what do you mean?
Leo:so it is you......Kyle
Minazuki:don't call me that!!!!
Leo:I thought you died(crying)
(Flash back 7 years ago)
(Leo is going to the park)
Leo:I'm so bored.....I guess I'll go to the park
(Leo sees a shadow behind a tree)
Leo:what was that??
(Leo approaches the tree and hears a kid crying)
XXX:why.....why me(crying) oka
(XXX notices Leo)
XXX:huh.......who....are you(sniffle)
Leo:I'm Leo who and I'm 9 years old who are you
XXX:me....I don't remember all that comes to my head is the word fallen boy
Leo:where's your family
XXX:I.....have no family I remember nor friends and I got rejected by all the orphan places(starts to cry again)
Leo:come on don't be like that
Leo:you said you didn't have any friends right
Fallen boy:(looks at Leo)ye....ah(sniffle)
Leo:then I'll be your first friend(smiling)
(Leo reaches his arm to the fallen boy)
Fallen boy:you'
Leo:I'll be your first friend,don't worry I'll always be by your side
Fallen boy:huh?
Leo:you're name is fallen boy right?
Fallen boy:yeah,but I have no real name I just hear that name in my head
Leo:then from now on you're name is Kyle
Kyle:Kyle huh?......(crying)
Leo:come on let's go

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