Chapter 1

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Jongin frowned at Suho.He hasn't been working for a few years now and he love it but Suho came and ruined everything .Suho told him to take care of a girl since he didn't even work for a few years now.

Yes,Jongin is a guardian angel but he is a lazy one.Well, guardian angel are supposed to be kind and not lazy but jongin is so different.That's because he is sick of human.To Jongin,human is non other than a weak and ungrateful creatures.

All of human he took care of are the same.They're all kind and sweet at first but then everything change when Jongin make their wishes came true.They became ungrateful and look down at other people.It's irked Jongin and they didn't even thanked him.It's not like he wanted them to thanks him but they learned manner right?

That's what he thought.

Jongin nodded and went to the counter of information to get his new victim's information. Yup he called all of the human he take care of as victim. Why? Because he loved that word.

'' this girl is a special case,so i hope you can handle her '' Suho said to him amd Jongin smirked. ' special case huh? ' He said and went away to Earth. The place he enjoy the most .

' hmm,let's see the information about my new victim. ' Jongin said while looking at the document . He opened it and read the information.

' Jung Soojung , 18 , live at Seoul and attend Seoul High School, still have parents ' He frowned . Why did he get this simple information? What the heck is wrong about this document? He supposed to know more about this girl but this fucking document only tell him a simple information that is useless.

Jongin just shrugged and took out the picture in the document.
'At least i still get a picture of her'
He said and looked and the picture.' Typical korean girl, she's beautiful and looked like a chic' He described her. ' This victim will be the same as the other ' He said and yawned.

What jongin thought about this girl is,a girl that are being abused by her parents,bullied by her friends at school and a loner.
That's what he thought. Why? Because this girl came from a rich family and it will be weird if she is being bullied by her friend but Jongin came to that conclusion after looking at her bitchy face.

' I better search for her or else ' He said and teleport to the girl's house.

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