Chapter 9

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Jongin took his jacket,wallet and his phone before walking out from the house.

Jongin walked into the club and sighed.This club should be the right one or he would seriously kill krystal.

He has been to a few clubs but there is no sign of krystal and her friends.

Jongin looked at the dance floor and he spotted amber but he can't find that red-haired girl.

But then,something red caught his eyes. "Jung Krystal"

He sighed in relief and went near the petite girl.

" Jonginnieeeee " Someone called his name.He knew that it was Krystal and she is drunk.

"Let go home" He said and took her hand but Krystal whined,refusing to follow him.

He sighed and sat next to her.krystal looked at him and smiled.She took the alcohol and gave it to him but he refuse it.

After arguing for a few minutes,Jongin make Krystal agreed to come home with him by carrying her on his back.

Jongin heard Krystal's soft snore and smiled.She is already sleeping now.

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He put her on the sofa and put the blanket on her.She was sleepung soundly.

"How can this bully looked like an angel?" He said and looked at her face again.

Jongin touched Krystal face and he stopped at her lips.That pink lip make him want to kiss it.

He stared at it for quite long time and then looked away.He cursed himself for being like this.

Krystal stirred and her eyes opened.She saw Jongin and smile.

Jongin looked at her and smiled,he forgot to move his hand from her lips.

Krystal looked at his hand and then looked at him.He realised it and took his hand back and apologised at her.

She smiled.

Jongin eyes widened.He could feel her lips on him.

Krystal took his neck and kissed him in the lips.Smiling in process and she knew that Jongin must be shocked.

The kiss turned into a passionate and hot kiss.

Krystal that is lying one the sofa was now in Jongin arm and she is sitting on his lap.

Little that they know that it would be awkward tommorow when they realised their action tonight.

Krystal eyes open and she can felt that her head in in pain because of the hangover.

She still felt tired and she lay down back on the sofa.

The sofa feel so warm and it smell like Jongin.She smiled and hugged the sofa again.

"Wait,why would it smell like Jongin?" She said and slowly opened her eyes.

Too her shock,she was on top of Jongin who is still sleeping soundly.

Krystal quickly jump off of him and sighed.'what the hell' she said and quickly enter her room.

She tried hard to remember about last night but she couldn't.

"Why can't I remember what happen last night? I'm so stupid" she said and knocked her head hard.

She decided to just ignore it and cook for their breakfast.

"Yah,Jongin wake up" she said and pushed Jongin body.

He stirred and looked at her."what" he said half asleep.

"The breakfast is ready,hurry up and wash ur face" she said and went to the kitchen.

Jongin blushed.He remember yesterday incident and smiled.

"Seem like she didn't remember it huh" He said and sighed.

After that he washed his face and ate breakfast together with Krystal.

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