Chapter 6

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Krystal opens her house door and see Jongin,looking like he is going to kill her anytime soon.

She raises her eye brows and Jongin looks at her sternly. ''What?'' she asked him and try to walks to her room.

''It's already 2 a.m Soojung'' Jongin said,trying to sound calm but krystal knows that he was mad.

''So?'' she reply shortly.Jongin looks at her disbelief.

''You're a girl and what if someone try to kidnap you or do something unappropriate to you? It's freaking 2 a.m Soojung, somethings bad might happen to you'' He shouted at Krystal.

Krystal laughs sadly.Nobody ever care when she had went home late or when she didn't even went home.Not even her parents care about it.

Nobody even bother so why does this guy in front of her bother about it so much?

'Why bother?' She said and looks at Jongin.Jongin looks at her and sighs.

He knows that she is sad just by looking at her eyes.He goes near her and hug her.Krystal feels shock at first but she also hug him back.

He heard her breathing steadily and a few minutes later he smiles,Krystal already felt asleep on his arm.

He scoffs and slowly scoops her in his arm.He went up stairs and put her in the bed before tugging the blanket on her.

He looks at her one last time and smiles before walking to his room to get his beauty sleep.

The Next Morning

Krystal looks at Jongin who is eating the toasted bread and scrambled egg.

Jongin acts like nothing happens yesterday and she is relief.She doesn't want to be known as a crybaby after all.

"Can you not bully that girl again?" Jongin looks at Krystal.She stops eating her the foods and scoffs at Jongin.

''Are you kidding me?" She said and put down the fork and spoon.She just lost her appetite because of this conversation.

"You shouldn't bully her" He continues and Krystal eyes darken."So what? This is my life,you can't control my own life" she spats at him.

Krystal always hate it when someone try to change her attitude.To her,this is her life and she deserve to do anything with it.

"Yes,I know that this is your life but are you going to ruin someone else life krystal?" Jongin said sofly.

Krystal smirked."I'm" she said before going into her room and locked it.She sighs and lay flat on her bed.

" If you're so concern about that nerdy girl than why don't you just become her guardian angel?" She whispers.

In School,

Krystal yawns,History is always her most hated subject.She didn't even know what is the purpose to study history.

So what is about the past? To her,past is past so why bother remembering something that is already happen?

She looks at her other friend and she see that they're pretty much focused to the teacher.As the examination is just around the corner.

She sighs again and put her head on the table.She groans when someone throws a paper plane at her.She looks at the culprit snd it was none than Kim Jongin.

Krystal glares at him.He throws the paper plane again and krystal curses him loud enough that all of her classmates can hear her cursing word.

Mr.Lee looks at Krystal,"Jung Soojung,why are you cursing in my class?" He said.Krystal glares at Jongin and looks at him.

She smirked."Kim Jongin is trying to harrass me" She said innocently.Kai looks at her with his wide eyes.

"What th- No saem,I'm not trying to harrass her" He protest and glared at Krystal.

"Enough both of you will go to detention after this"The old man said before continuing his work.

Krystal mehronged Kai and smirks.Kai looks at the little devil before continue focusing on the teacher.

The bell rings at it was time to go home except for this two trouble maker.

They're now in the detention room and it's only both of them with Mr.Lee doing his works.

Krystal looks at the clock.It's still 30 minutes left.She ruffled her hair frustratedly.

That little fuxker,Kim Jongin.I'm going to kill him after this.I should have been to amusement park with my group.

She sighs and looks at the bitch that was eating a lollipop.

Krystal eyes began to feel so heavy and she put her head on the table before she fall into a deep sleep.

Jongin P.O.V

I looks at Krystal and she is already asleep.Such a heavy sleeper.It already near to the end of the detention.How am I supposed to wake her up?

After Mr.Lee left,I wanted to wake her up but she looks like she is having a sweet dreams so I decided to wait until she wake up by her own.

I looks at the window and the rains is pouring like cat and dog.Damn,I didn't brought umbrella with me.

I try to not make any noise as I want to search for the umbrella in case I magically found one,but I accidently kick one of the table and I look at her,she stirs before waking up.

She opens her eyes and rubs it.She yawnd and glares at me. "You should have wake me up nicely you know?" She glares at me again.

"Whatever,hurry up it's already late.You sleep like pig" I said and cooly walks out of the class.

I groans in pain when I reached the door.She shouted something like wait for me but I just walks and a few minutes later she was walking with me.

We looks at the rain drops and sighs."Do you have umbrella?" She asked me.

"Do you see one?" She said sarcastically.She rolled her eyes and take out her phone before dialing a few numbers.

Unluckily,no one actually anwers her call.Krystal smirks,as usual.It's always like that from the very starts though.

When she call,nobody will ever answer her.She scoffed before putting back her phone in the pocket.

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