Chapter 5

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Krystal P.O.V

It's been a weeks since this guardian angel stays at my place and I don't even know whether he is the guardian angel or I am the guardian angel.

As long as I remember,this boy do nothing except for eating,sleeping,playing and nagging.

It's also weird,do guardian angel eat? Do they sleep? Do they play and nag a lot? This boy is so weird.

I walks to his room and knocks on the door.There is no answer.I opens it and see that Jongin is still sleeping.This lazy boy.

'Yah,jongin wake up' I shooks him but he just groans and mutters a few things that I don't even know what it supposes to mean.

'It's school now' I says and pull his comfortable blanket.He opens his eyes and glares at me.After that he takes a bath while I also do the same things.

Yup,he go to school.Why? Because he says that he wants to know what I do and also other stuff.Luckily,we agrees that we will act like a stranger in school.

He goes by the name Kim Kai in school.That name is so ugly and he is popular in school too.But he isn't a bully like me.

And here I'm with my group,bullying Kim Minah,the nerd so early in the morning.

'What the hell nerd?' I screams.This nerd actually have a nerve to report us to the teacher.

I glares at her and smirks when I see a students near us holding a carton of milk.I take it and pours it onto her head.

The other members laughs and the crowd also laughs and I am proud as I make her cry.

I don't even know when it starts but it's feel awesome and happy to bully someone.It's make me feel so satisfy when I bully someone.

And then this nerd's knight in shining amor comes.Try to guess who it was.Yes,it is unpredictably Kim Jongin or Kai comes to the rescue the nerdy princess.

Ugh,I hate him.I looks at Kai who is helping the nerd to get up.I scoffs and smirks at them.Kai then looks at me and I can feel he is disappointed with me.

I don't really care though,people always disappointed with me.I don't live to satisfy people expectation,you know!

I smirks and then they begins to walks away.Before that,I blocks the nerd way and she fell again and everyone laughed.

Kai looks at me disbelief before helping her again.I rolls my eyes and enters the class.

A few hours later,the bell rings and it is recess time.I sighs,I'm not in the mood to eat so I just ask Amber to buy me something.

After taking my food from Amber and thanking her,I walks to the old practice room.

This place is my hideout place as there is no people dare to come here because there is many ghost stories here.

As usual after eating the foods,I stand up and walks to the big mirrors in front of me.I smiled and takes my phone out from my pocket.

The music starts and I dance gracefully,following the music rhythm.I love to dance since I'm in primary school but this is my secret from anyone.

I also need to keep a secret for myself.I knows that my parents won't let me dance anymore if they know about this.

I express all of my feeling when I dance.I'm not good at expressing my feeling to anyone that is why I choose to be silent all of the time.

Bullying is another thing,it is fun and addicting.I didn't feel bad when I bully people instead I feel proud and happy.

I guess that I do need help from other people.I don't even understand myself sometimes.

Third Person P.O.V

Krystal dance and dance until the bell rings.She smiled and looks at herself in the mirror.

She really love dancing huh? That's why she smiles the brightest after she dance.

Little did she knows that someone actually see her dancing and smiling so prettily.It also make him smile.

Her Guardian AngelWhere stories live. Discover now