Chapter 4

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Krystal yawned.She has been waiting for the bus for 1 hour now.

unluckily for her,the rain started to pour like cat and dog.She sighs.This day couldn't be more bad than now right? She muttered and looked at the rain drops.

She sighed again.She smirked when she saw the nerdy girl that Amber bullied. 'Yah,come here' she said.The girl obeyed her. krystal has been eyeing her umbrella.

'Give me that umbrella' she said and without the girl's permission, she take the umbrella and walked home.

Leaving the poor girl dumbfounded with her actions.

Opening the door of her house,she groans when her uniforms are all wet.She quickly went her room and changed into something comfortable.

She entered the kitchen and make a hot chocolate for herself.
'So this is your house?' She nodded and then realised.

Who the fuck talked to her just now? She turned around and saw a guy. 'No wonder I can't find you in your parents house' He continued while looking around.

Krystal took the knife and threw it at the guy but the knife stopped in front of him.

'Woah woah,easy there princess' He said and looked at her.She glared at him.

'Who the fuck are you and how did you enter my house?' She said.'I didn't introduce myself yet huh?' The guy said.

'Well,I'm Kim Jongin,your guardian angel' He said proudly .
Krystal looked at him disbelief.

She bursted into laughter.
'Are you kidding me?' She said while wiping her tears that is created from laughing so hard.

Jongin glared at her and teleport in front of her.He smirked when he saw krystal's shocked face.

'Now do you believe me?' He said.Krystal just rolled her eyes and said whatever.She pinched her cheek and cursed when she realised that this is not a dream.

After a few minutes of battling with herself,Krystal decided to just believe this stupid guy story as he had proved that he can teleport.

She looked at her.'I thought angel have wings' she said and checked his body.Jongin looked at her intensely.

'Yah,byuntae.' He said and covered his body.'We can hide and show it if we want' Jongin said and Krystal nodded.

'Then show it to me' She said and smirked at Jongin.Jongin looked at her and smirked when she saw her awed face.

'Fine,I believe you' She said and drink her hot Chocolate.

Krystal POV

This fella is seriously annoying.I just knew him a few hours ago and he is so so so so annoying. That nerdy girl is way better than him.

After hearing his rant about human and other things,I yawned.I find him a terrible story teller and a guy who like to nag a lot.

'Yah do you hear me' He spoke.I looked at him and nodded.

'I have a question' I said and looked at him.I have been dying to ask him this question but it is delayed due to his no ending talk.

He looked at me,'Why did you chose me? I'm a bully and I am a bitch' I said knowing that all of that is true.

He shrugged.'I don't even know,I was told to take care of you' He said.I nodded.

'Yeah,I think that you have been choosing the wrong person' She said in her mind and sighed.

It's going to be a hectic day,living with this creature for now on.

Her Guardian AngelWhere stories live. Discover now