Chapter 2. Edward.

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It has been 2 weeks since I had the emotional conversation with my mom, after that we started packing, sold the house and here I am in London . I still had about a week left until school so my new friend, Selena decided we should go clubbing as a goodbye because I won't be seeing her much after I start school. Although I really didn't want to since I wasn't really the party type especially since you know... I haven't really been The same, I don't like going out, hanging out with friends but obviously I have to make a change to that because of my mom. But since I'm only 17 she managed to get us fake ID's.


Sel and I were waiting in line of the club "Pulse".

"I can't wait to get our party on! We need to live tonight like it's our last. Sucks we don't go to the same school."

"I know I'm dreading going to school, making new friends, AUGH"

"But you're so good at making friends we became friends in like 0.37 seconds"

"That's such a random number and you're different! We have so many similar interests and you're not those stupid white girls that get me so annoyed!"

"True, I'm one of a kind," she smiled as I saw a black Audi r8 pull up.

"Damn Selena look at that Audi R8 pulling up! It's a fucking 8 cylindar. Oh my gosh thats like my dream car! Its so beautiful! Why are people so rich why can't that be me," I cried

"An eight cyli- what? What r u going off about?"

"That car Sel it's so beautiful"

"How can you look at that car when there's such a beautiful human being coming out of it?"

"What?" I said as I saw him. Damn. I don't think I've ever seen such a beautiful creature. A guy with dark brown curls was getting out of the car. He was wearing a plain black tea and black jeans. So simple but so.. Beautiful. I know it's weird calling a guy beautiful but this is defiantly an exception!

"Omg look how many tats he has! He seems like your typical bad boy... But there's somethin different about him... A little more dangerous than a bad boy."

I hadn't even noticed his billion tattoos until she mentioned it. I guess I was too busy staring at his face. That jaw line. Those prefect curls. His perfectly sculpted lips.

"ID please," the security gaurd at the front said startling me. I hadn't even noticed we reached the front of the line already.

"Here ya go," Sel said as she handed him our ID's saying we were 19.

"Why do I not believe this? Oh maybe because its not real, you guys don't look a day over 16." He said. Shit. I guess we both did have a baby face. She probably messed up on the ID's that they don't look real.

"But we are can't u see the ID's" she complained.

"Yes I see two FAKE ID's. out if the line you two"

"But PLEASE I promise they're real! I just-" Sel started before she got cut off by.. By.. The boy with the sick car. IM gonna call him curly.

"They're with me," he said with his deep voice. I swear I don't think I've heard anything like it before.

"Sure thing Mr.Styles anything for you." Mr. Styles? Well he seems like a big guy. I can't believe they're actually letting us in! I was kind of hoping I could go home.

"Omg thank you so much I thought we were gonna be sent home and-" Sel started before she was cut off by Curly again.

"It's no problem." He said bluntly and with that he just headed off into the back in a rush. I didn't even get to ask him his name... I guess he will forever be known as curly.


I've been sitting at the bar for about an hour while Sel was dancing with some guy she met, drunk out of her mind. While I was bored out of my mind. I've been sitting here for a while now not wanting to go into the party of sweaty bodies and drunk ass horny guys. Today's just not the day.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing here sitting all alone," I heard a familiar voice, " I didn't get you into this club to sit here, you would've been screwed without me. Rob, one Chocolate martini here, now." It was curly.

"Well, it's either sit here alone , or going into that field of sweaty horny guys that get too comfortable too soon. Speaking of sweaty horny guys, why aren't you in there?" I said cooly.

"We'll then," he gasped. " I would be upset but you just didn't seem like you meant any of those words. I think you meant to say speaking of perfectly hot guys," he smirked. Wow was I that obvious? He's probably just playing with me.

"The only thing hot about you would be your sick ass Audi, I'd give anything to ride one of those babies."

"Wow a girl that actually knows something about cars, and isn't afraid to swear I like you.. Um I don't even know your name yet, I'm S. "

"S? What kind of fucked up name is that? Was your mom too lazy to add anymore letters? I liked calling you curly better. My names Emma, but if your special enough you can call me Em." Shit was that too mean?

"Well someone's bitchy tonight. But I still like You Em." He winked. Wow that wink just killed me.

"I said only if your special enough you get to call me that"

"Fine if I tell you my real name then can I call you Em?"

"Fine." Now that I look at him closely I see that he has perfect complexion. I, a girl. Am jealous of a boys clear skin. But that's not what captivated me the most... It was his beautiful eyes. I don't think I've seen anything like them before. They were green. Light on the inside with a darker green around it. But they seemed to be hiding some pain although they could captivate anyone. They were perfect. Unlike my boring brown ones.

"My real names Edward but that's gay as fuck so most people call me Styles, or S for short."

"What is this pretty little liars? I like Edward better" I smiled.

"You can't call me that"

"Oh ya and why not?"

"Because if you do I won't take you for a ride," he gave that signature smirk of his.

"Fine, if you take me home in that beautiful creation then I won't call you Edward anymore."

"Deal." He said as we headed out.


"After you ma lady," he smiled.

"How kind of you fair gentleman. Never knew you had it in you styles," I laughed as I stepped in.

"You don't know anything about me yet." He said it so bluntly but I couldn't help but see something more of it. He's right, I don't know anything about him other than he's hot and has a nice car. But there's something about him that I can't let go of. He just seems so... Intriguing.

" so where do ya live Em?"

"That didn't sound creepy as fuck," I laughed. "I'll tell you later but first we need to go to Timmies!"

"Timmies? What the fuck is that?" He questioned giving me a look that presumed I was insane.

"Timmies, Tim's. Tim Hortons?! Ring a bell?" I exclaimed

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"The place where they sell the best damn coffee and donuts! And omg their icecaps! I think I'm gonna die if I don't get one ASAP." Has he been living in a cave or?

"Well there's good coffee and shit at Starbucks but I don't know what the hell an ice cap is."

"YOU GUYS HAVE NO TIM HORTONS AT THIS PLACE?! I think I'm going to die omg take me to this Starbucks you speak of." I yelled.

"Ok? Are you not from around here? That would explain the non British accent."

"Nope," I said popping the p. "Im from the great land called Canada, and no we don't live in fucking igloos and all that shit that everyone assumes. " I said causing him to laugh a little. "OH my god you finally laughed, I thought either you're really a depresso or IM just not that funny, but we all know the second ones not true." Wow, ironic how I just called him the depresso. IM the one that has to take depression pills everyday, cause my brains fucked up and can't stay happy for one second.

"Very funny. If you don't mind I'm gonna play some tunes because IM tired of your voice. " he said as he started hooking up his phone to the speakers.

"As am I styles, as am I. What kind of shit do you listen to anyways? " I said as I heard the first song playing.


"You know him? Most girls listen to Justin bieber and shit"

"DO I KNOW HIM? Are you serious? I love him!" I said as I turned it up and opened the sun roof.

"You can try and read my lyrics off of this paper before I lay 'em
But you won't take the sting out these words before I say 'em
'Cause ain't no way I'ma let you stop me from causing mayhem
When I say I'ma do something, I do it, I don't give a damn what you think
I'm doin' this for me, so fuck the world
Feed it beans, it's gassed up if it thinks it's stopping me
I'ma be what I set out to be, without a doubt, undoubtably
And all those who look down on me, I'm tearing down your balcony," I started rapping as I stuck my upper body out of the sun roof. "WOOOOO" I screamed, and for that split second I was happy again. I had forgotten all my worries, every sad thing in my life and just screamed.

"Pretty hot when a girl can rap,"

"What can I say, I'm a pretty hot girl," I laughed. Before he breaked roughly.

"What the fuck styles," I said as I sat back in my seat. He got out of the car and came to open my door.

"Ed what are you doing?"

"I said don't call me that." He said angrily with a hint of lust as he pulled me out if my seat and closed the door. And with that he pulled me in closely, i could feel his breath on my neck. suddenly he leaned in and our mouths pressed hotly together. I can feel his lip piercing at the corner of my mouth. His warm to tongue runs along mine as his one hand was tangling in my hair while his other was slowly going up my thigh. I knew I shouldn't be doing this, especially with a guy I just met. Who had a billion tattoos and gets in a club easy peazy.

But I couldn't stop it, I put my hands lightly around his neck; his skin burning hot. I've been kissed before, with many different types of guys but never like this. His kiss was rough and hot, but with a unique twist to it. Like a hot summer day with raindrops cold as the arctic. But suddenly as he pulled me in even closer I felt something hard. No it want his dick you perv. It was something different in the shape of a.. Of a ... GUN.

SECOND CHAPTER YAY! I'm so fricking excited to post this it's almost 3 am haha idk I really wants du guys to meet Him already. I suggest you listen to eminen's song now because its the shit. Hit me up on twitter if u liked it @iinarryfeelsii

Any comments and votes would be greatly appreciated! Haha niggas stay Gucci

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