Chapter.7 Infinite Kisses

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"An infinite kiss is like an infinite bliss"

Bliss: perfect happiness.

Great joy.



Emma's POV

My class bell finally rang meaning it was time to leave history. I went to my locker to put away my textbook because I mean I'm not carrying this shit around all day.

Suddenly I felt a hand grasp my upper arm firmly and drag me towards the back doors.

My natural instincts came in and I quickly released Myself from his grasp, turned around and did a roundhouse kick. He dropped to the floor a groan coming from his lips. Edward.

"What the fuck was that for."

"Omg Edward are you ok?" I kneeled down beside him.

"Of course I am I just." We both realized there were people staring at us since it was class change so there were some people still in the hall. He quickly stood up back on his feet.

"I need to talk to you. Follow me."

"But-" before I could refuse he looked at me with those beautiful green eyes that no one could deny. And considering these fucking people won't stop staring at us I decided to follow him.

We went out the doors to the back of the school. Thankfully there was no one there.

"First of all what the hell was that for. Second of all where the hell did you learn to kick like that?" He started.

"Well I'm sorry but when someone grabs me from behind without saying anything my natural instincts tell me something is wrong. Let's just say I learned some defensive skills in kickboxing after something happened."

"That was pretty sick."

"It wasn't all that impressive. But I guess after someone equips themselves with a gun they don't know shit about fighting anymore."

"Hah!" He laughed sarcastically. " I -"

"Cut the chit chat I gotta get to class I don't have a bad boy rep like you around here. I actually need to get good grades unlike some people here who can get their daddy to buy them whatever the hell they want. " over the past couple days I've found out that the styles family is pretty rich. Marcel's dad, which is Edwards dad obviously, owns many night clubs around the town. Which explains how he got into the club the other day. They're one of the top ones in the city which results in big bucks around here. Probably how he got that pretty little Audi of his.

He grabbed both my wrists tightly and pushed me against the wall.

"Don't you dare say shit about things you don't understand. I work for myself and I pay for my shit." He took a deep breath.

"AnyWays. The reason I brought you out here is... Well. I'm just going to cut this short. You can't go on a date with Harry."

"HAH." I laughed. "And why is that? Who are you to tell me what I can and can't do?" His eyes changed, at first it was filled with anger probably caused by my comment about his father. But now it was filled with... Worry?

"He. He'll hurt you Emma."

"Him? Hurt me? He's just a pretty little white boy! That's funny coming from you, he's not the one with the gun." I can't believe he was saying all this crap. Honestly I don't understand him!

"He'll.. He'll hurt you emotionally. "

"I can't believe-" he cut me off again but this time not with words but with action. His rough lips crashed against mine without a second thought.

"I'd never hurt you Em." He breathed.

I know I should push him away. I know I shouldn't even be here with him in the first place. But my hormonal teen side kicked in and I kissed him back. We kissed for a mere 10 seconds but what felt like an infinity. An infinite kiss is like an infinite bliss.

His lips broke from mine and he backed away.

"I- I'm sorry. I can't do this." And off he went towards the parking lot, got in his car and sped off.

I was left speechless just standing there, filled with sadness and anger. Mostly anger because who the hell kisses you and leaves?! I'm so done with him. There's only one thought in my mind right now.

I'm going to that dance.

And I will go with Harry just to piss him off even more. Edward can go fuck himself.


She's going to the dance! Yayyy or boo if u hate dances and ship Emward idk

Anyways short chappy I'm sorry I'll update soon!

Next chappy will be Edwards POV in his real life. Dun dun duuuuun.

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