Chapter 3. Marcel

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"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!" I yelled terrified.

"It's uh- Em It's nothing"

"NOTHING! It's a fucking gun for fucks sake it's not nothing." Then I froze. IM on a street god knows where in this city i barely know with a guy who owns a gun. The last time I saw that was .. With my father. I started shaking...

"Em I'm sorry, don't be scared, you"-he started as he put his arms on my shoulders.

"Don't fucking touch me," I know I should be terrified right now and play nice with him but my anger took the better of me. Sure I was frightened and angry, but for some reason I feel like he'd never hurt me. I.. I just wanted to go home. But I don't even have a fucking cell phone yet. All I could think of was to run and find the nearest person or gas station. So I did.

I ran as fast as my feet would take me which clearly was not fast enough since I could hear Edward just behind me.

"EMMA STOP! I won't hurt you ok let's just go home." He said as he grabbed onto my shoulders and held me tightly.

"NO! Let go of me! I don't want to be in a fucking car with you. Just call a damn cab.


Since he is obviously faster then me there's no point in fighting him. I decided to sit on the curb praying that he will call the cab...

"Are you really not gonna let me drop you off?" He asked softly. Even with all his tattoos, black clothes, and piercing, I couldn't help but feel like he was actually a nice guy casually asking me to let him drop me off. But I just can never trust a guy with a gun.

"No," I said coldly.

I watched him as his face fell a little, he pulled out his phone and called the cab. Thank god. He also pulled something else out of his pocket. A cigarret. I don't know why I was surprised he smokes I mean he has the looks for it and his mouth did taste Like tobacco hidden by mint when we .. Kissed. AUGH why am I thinking about that kiss again? Me. Him. We could never work. We're solar opposites.

"You're gonna kill yourself you know."

"What?" He laughed.

"I said you're gonna kill yourself. Every puff you smoke is a bigger chance. " I said as I got up and grabbed it from his hands.

"Give it back, why would you even care?"

"I don't." I said harshly even though I'm lying to myself. "I just don't want to see someone else dieing over some sort of drug" I spilled out before I could stop myself. Shit now he's gonna ask about Ethan...

"Who.. Died? He said softly. Like he actually cares if someone died. If he did he wouldn't carry that god damn gun around. My blood started to boil again.

"Why the fuck would you care?" I yelled still upset about the whole gun situation and because I really didn't want to answer his questions about Ethan.. My brother.

"What's with you? One second you pull away my smoke, the only shit that can calm me down in this fucked up world, because you 'don't want me to die' and the next you're yelling at me for caring" he doesn't actually care about some random girl he just met. He probably just looks at me as another girl he can hook up with.

"I just don't want to talk about it ok."

"Fine" he said as he lit another cigarette.

"Please don't smoke, at least not in front of me" I said calmer this time.

"Ok, only if you tell me who." Augh, he's so annoying but I really want him to stop. I can't handle that smell, that smoke, it just brings too many bad memories.

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