4. Secrets

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Nicole's POV

In Part of this chapter I started putting Shawn: Nicole: Matt: and etc because I got too lazy to put he said/she said in long conversations; and yes I know it's from Nicole's POV but I just want to make it clear so you know exactly who is talking. Also, MAGCON is not going to be in this story since most of the MAGCON boys are already in the story.

I hung out with Shawn and Matt after everyone left. We decided to go to a Coney Island since its around lunch time and Shawn and Matt keep whispering things to each other. "What are you guys talking about?" "Nothing." Matt says and turns back to Shawn. "Well your obviously talking about something." "Whatever." Shawn adds and I roll my eyes. Someone's phones goes off and I see Matt grab his phone from his pocket and answer it. "Mom I'm just at Coney Island.....no.......now?....fine...." He says and hangs up. "You have to go?" Shawn asks. "Yeah....bye guys." Matt says and gets up from the table. "Good thing we didn't order yet." Shawn adds. "Yeah." I look down at my phone.

Shawn: Sooo...
Nicole: Sooo...
Shawn: about yesterday...
Nicole: what about it...
Shawn: I think you know what.
Nicole: The games....
Shawn: yeah....I understand if you didn't really mean what you said.
Nicole: I meant every word that I said....
Shawn: so....do you wanna go on a date with me?
Nicole: Of course I would!
Shawn: Don't say anything to our friends though. They will figure it out sooner or later but I don't want them to be all over us about it.
Nicole: yeah I totally agree.

His amazing smile is plastered across his face and I'm smiling too. The waiter comes to take our order and Shawn orders a gyro but tells them not to put tomatoes on it.
"Why do you hate tomatoes so much?" I ask and chuckle while saying it. "Because." "Because why?" "I don't know just because." "Great reasoning Shawn." I laugh and so does he.

Shawn: so when is your actual 16th birthday
Nicole: October 12.
Shawn: Your smile is adorable.
Nicole: oh...that was random; but thanks
Shawn: Sorry I just felt the need to say it.
Nicole: it's fine.

My face was super red when Shawn said that and I wasn't sure how to respond. His face turned red too when I said it was random.

I take a sip of my water and so does he.

Shawn: what do you think our friends will do if they find out.
Nicole: Probably freak out and make us do something to prove that we are actually a couple.
Shawn: True.
Nicole: So....what were Matt and you whispering about
Shawn: Something secret
Nicole: wow very specific. Can you tell me what it is?
Shawn: nope sorry.

I sigh and Shawn laughs.

Nicole: So when is our date going to be?
Shawn: I don't want you to feel rushed or anything but does tonight work?
Nicole: yeah it works!
Shawn: Okay!
Nicole: Was I really the one that made you and Leah break up?
Shawn: yeah....
Nicole: She already hates me and I haven't even got to talk to her.
Shawn: she doesn't hate you.... She just hates the fact that I don't have feelings for her anymore.
Nicole: so why me?
Shawn: Your beautiful, kind, caring, loving, friendly, creative, incredible, smart, and so much more...
Nicole: Shawn I'm none of those things.
Shawn: You know you are you just don't want to admit it.
Nicole: No
Shawn: Yes
Nicole: No. End of argument.
Shawn: fine.

We pay for the meal and Shawn drops me off at home. "I'll pick you up at 6." Shawn says before I get out. "Yep see you then!" I smile and walk inside. "What's with the smile?" Lane says when I walk inside. "What's wrong with smiling?" "You never smile like this," She laughs. "Wait you were just with Shawn.....WHAT HAPPENED!" "He asked me out..." "OMG YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO BE THE CUTEST COUPLE EVER!" "Shhhh!!!! We aren't telling anyone because we don't want people to force us to do things." "Okay I promise I won't tell." "Thanks Lane." I say and run upstairs.

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