Chapter 6: Inner Demons

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Yosuke's POV.

Kanji: Yo Senpai! can you hear us!

Rise: Senpai game's over!

Teddie: Sensei!

Yosuke: Narukami!

We keep on trying to call out to him. And no answer.

Chie: Doesn't he have his cellphone?

Yosuke: Hey yea your right! How come we didn't think of this sooner!

Naoto: I wouldn't try it. I just tried calling him myself 5 times and no answer.

Rise: Maybe he's out battery or doesn't have signal?

Kanji: I'm pretty sure he always makes sure his phone is always fully charged.

Yosuke: Plus i still have a signal.

Teddie: You don't think Sensei fell and broke his phone do you !

Nanako: Is big bro hurt !

Yukiko: I'm sure he's fine Nanako. We just need to find him.

Yukiko kept Nanako company as everyone else keep on thinking on where Yu could be. Last time something like this happened. It was during the murders in Inaba. But all of that is over now.

Chie: How about Rise and i go check the furniture department. Maybe he's somewhere around there.

Naoto: Me and Kanji can look around outside.

Yosuke: Right i suppose me and Teddie got the Right half of Junes.

Yukiko: Me and Nanako well check the Left half.

Yosuke: Alright lets meet back here in hour if we don't find him.

Everyone: Right.

Soon we all split up as me and Teddie started our search.

Yu's POV

Yu: ugh...

Having realized i passed for second. I shake my head as check my surroundings. As much as i had hoped. I really was back in the T.V world.

Yu: But what pulled me in here?

The only good thing is that i was at where we would usually end up when we entered the T.V. Just as i pushed myself up off the floor. I start hearing echos of footsteps.

Yu: A shadow?

I thought to myself. But I've never seen a shadow this close before. I ready myself for whatever was coming. I hope training with Chie was worth it for this moment. As i didn't have my katana with me or glasses to see through the fog of whatever's coming. The footsteps grow closer as i drew my fist close to my face. But then the footsteps stop. I kept my fists up as i waited for whatever happens next. For a while nothing happened until a strong wind started happening as i covered my eyes. Soon the wind died down as i opened my eyes back up. Looking around me i realized something.

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