chapter three

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- Justin -

I took the napkin, winking at the amazingly, looking waitress.

"Brielle, call me (;

I can see Ariana, out of the corner of my eye, giving the waitress dirty looks. Did she think she looked cute? She didn't. Well, kinda.

I took my phone out and instantly put the number in and started to text her. I put my phone down, making sure the screen was facing the table.

"Did you actually text her?", Ariana spat. I nodded. She let out a big sigh while rolling her eyes. "Ignorant bitch", I mumbled. She looked up. "Isn't that such a nice compliment", she said, plastering a fake smile on.

"Are you ready to order now?", Brielle said, looking at me. "Can I have a pizza, for the lady and me?", Brielle nodded, writing it in her notepad.

- Ariana -

I sat on my phone, scrolling through Twitter. The tweets amazed me, not in a good way.

"I can't believe this! Complete bullshit! Selena is better"

"Ariana and Justin? No, thanks"

"Two attention seeks together, isn't that nice?"

I shut off my phone, putting it into my bag. I couldn't bother to look at the tweets anymore. I looked up at Justin, he was tapping away on his phone.

Twenty minutes have passed. No pizza. No conversation. Nothing was going on. I just sat there, looking outside the window, watching people walk past. I always wondered what my life would have come to, if I didn't become famous. Would I be one of those people?

I was cut off by hearing a plate slam onto the table. "Sorry!", Brielle said. I wasn't buying it. She could keep trying.

I went for a slice, Justin slapped my hand away. "What?", I asked. He stayed quite. I was confused, like always.

a message from the writer ::
this chapter is short, sorry! im trying to update a lot today since i was gone for a long time. this chapter is kinda boring, sorry. im thinking about making a new story, just a small story about a normal teenage girl and stuff, i'll think about it. the manips in the cover and in the beginning of the story is from google, credits to them. hope you guys like the book so far, thanks for all the support !!

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