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"Wwhen is she going to wwake up?" 

"I... I don't know"

"Y/n... please wwake up soon"

Y/n lays peacefully on a neat pile of blankets, F/n takes care of her using his basic healing magic, it may not be as strong as the mermaids but it does some healing. Some of the trolls stop by for little chats or for tiding up Y/n hair style, etc. Eridan has been visiting daily in hopes that she wakes up soon.

"I'm going to take a little break Eridan, you better not run off and leave Y/n alone unattended" F/n said as he stretched out his body before exiting the cave. Eridan scoffed "Of course I wwon't idiot" The cave then grew silent and the only thing making noise was the little droplets of water falling from the ceiling. 

Eridan took a deep breath then gently grabbed one of Y/n's cold hands and let out his thoughts. "Y/n... on that day I... I should havve stopped once you called my name... then this wwouldn't havv-" His vision was getting blurry and blurry as he spoke out each word until just stopped and sobbed next to Y/n's sleeping body. 

"I.... Lovve....you" He hugged Y/n. He could feel Y/n's short breaths on his neck, he cracked a smile "Thank cod.. she's alive" he thought then sat back up and wiped the violet tears from his face. Just as F/n stepped back in the cave, Y/n opened her eyes and mouth, a red light was glowing from these. He ran next to her, dropping the snacks he had bought and quickly casted the healing spell.

She was able to be stable but things weren't really looking good. "This is the 5th time this has happened... it's not right..." F/n lowly said and Eridan balled his fists. The events of the festival quickly flashed in Eridan's mind.

-The day of the festival flash back-

"Wwha-" Y/n shot Eridan with a beam of red light that blasted from her hand. The beam was so powerful that it could be seen miles away. A few people even saw it, including F/n. "Oh shit!" He yelled out and ran through the crowd of people until he was near the beach. Vriska had her back to F/n, she was oblivious to his presence. 

He remembered the other trolls warning him about Vriska's mischief and her bitchiness, as well as her mind powers. He looked down at the beach where Y/n is blasting beam after beam at Eridan. He was wounded but kept jumping out of the beams way. F/n swiftly hit Vriska in the back of the neck making her and Y/n collapse at the same time.

He quickly ran down to the beach before the spectators from earlier come to investigate the strange red beams. "Are you alright?" He said to Eridan. Eridan winced in pain from his right arm, he was bleeding. "Y-yeah but Y/n!" "I'll take care of her now go!" F/n grabbed the fainted mermaid in his arms. She looked very weak and red colored breaths were seeping out of her mouth.

"No! I'm coming wwith you!" Eridan shouted, he thought about it but quickly agreed and fled to the cave they are currently staying at. The cave was filled with little nick nacks and a lot of pictures of the trolls and other random pictures as well as two piles of neatly stacked clothes for both merfolk. F/n laid Y/n gently on the pile of blankets then put a blanket on top of her.

Eridan sat near the entrance of the cave to not make a mess of violet blood all over. F/n healed Eridan enough for the bleeding to stop then started healing Y/n. "Thanks..." Eridan said rubbing his wounded arm. He looked around the cave for a little bit and noticed a heart framed picture. "So you are that Eridan, she keeps talking about?" Eridan grabbed the picture frame and saw Y/n and him when they were at Kanaya's hive. "Yes I am... and you are?" He questioned putting back the frame in its place and turned to F/n with flushed cheeks.

F/n laughed at Eridan's sudden jealously "Come on dude have a seat and I'll tell you all about my romance with Y/n" He said jokingly but Eridan didn't take it as a joke "Wwhat the bloody hell are you talking about? Let's settle this outside peasant!" F/n started laughing even more at Eridan's threats. "I'm just playing! I'm her friend or well 'brother' ok?" He said with a goofy smile and Eridan flustered calmed down and sat next to Y/n.

Y/n was a bit better but still weak, F/n kept healing her in long periods with a few breaks and Eridan hoping she quickly recovers. Over the visits Eridan does he befriended F/n. 

-back to the present-

"It's obvious that Vriska is responsible... that bitch!" Eridan thought "I havve to avenge Y/n" He got up and started pacing around the cave thinking about eliminating Vriska once and for all. F/n noticed this and cleared his throat to speak. "Just stop Eridan, think about Y/n... she wouldn't want that." Eridan glared at him for reading his thoughts without warning then glanced at Y/n and sighed. 

"Ok you're right... but she's getting worse and... if only there was something I can do..." said sadly Eridan. "Oh wait! I just remember something I learned back in the day..." F/n quickly shot up and scribbled on a piece of paper then gave it back to Eridan. "Wwhat's this?" Eridan questioned at the weird drawings."They are the ingredients for a very potent potion... Thank Neptune I took that class" F/n pointed his finger at each one naming the plants and there location. "It might be hard to find with out my help but I have to stay and do my part" Eridan nodded and was off to find the plants.

A whole new world//Merstuck Mermaid!reader x EridanWhere stories live. Discover now