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Once it was morning F/n and Y/n swam to the castle. Looking around to her everything was different to how it was years ago. The city is heavy guarded and new buildings were built, other than that the whole city was bustling with cheery merfolk. They reach the entrance of the castle, there were two guards on both sides of the door. They both nodded their heads and let them pass.

They headed to the throne room were the king and queen were. A guard stopped them "Halt! what are your matters with your highness?" He looked at the bags F/n was carrying then at Y/n. "I have to speak with your highness!! T-this is urgent!" The guard thought for a bit but let them pass only if they left the bags with him to inspect them.

"Thanks" Y/n said to the guard and they entered. The queen was only in the room, sitting on her throne. She looks up at the two and greet them. "Welcome F/n... oh and Y/n what a pleasant surprise" Y/n smiles with glossy eyes, her mother right in front of her, well and in health. "Your highness, You may not believe me but I have brought you... your daughter."

The queens eyes grew wide and shook her head in disbelief "No it's not possible, she's-" "M-Mother, it's me Y/n, I may not look the same as years ago but it's me" The queen stood up from her throne and studied Y/n. She gasped and put her hands on her mouth "Y-Y/n... Y/n!" She hugged Y/n tightly and cried "My little angel... your well" "Mother"

F/n explained what had happened and the queen understood that it was all in good intention. "Thank you F/n" The king entered the room with a quizzical look as he saw the queen with Y/n. "Well what's the occasion?" "Sweety, our daughter..." She said holding Y/n close, the king quickly swam to the two and shook his head in disbelief. "How? What? What is the meaning of this?"

"F/n has told me that she was rescued by his aunt and nurtured our daughter back to health, she had lost her memories and-" "What! She stole our daughter! that witch!-" "No Father! They had good intentions, I just remembered my past memories and forgotten a great part... so please don't hurt them"

The king held his trident tightly on his hands but sighed and loosened his grip. "You're right, I'm sorry" He hugged Y/n tightly "Welcome back Y/n" That day they announced the return of Y/n and thanked F/n aunt for caring for their daughter. They prepared a big banquet for the whole city and celebrated her return. Y/n began to live in the castle, her parents have told her if she wanted to take a potion for her to regain her memories but she refused as she wanted to get them naturally.

She attended her classes as usual and lived her life normally in the bottom of the sea along with F/n. For the passing months she had been slowly regaining the lost memories. She sometimes remembers how she spent her last day on the surface and smiles. For Eridan, he spends more time with his friends and goes to the beach often in hopes Y/n comes back. "You think she'll come back?" Kanaya asks Eridan as they sit in the usual spot by the sea. "She wwill... I know she wwill"

Fast forward to 2 years

In Atlantis, it's the annual celebration of when Y/n returned to the city, booths, food, music and dancing.

"Y/n... Y/n!"

"Huh? what!"

Laughter fills the small grotto with merfolk and a older mermaid sighs and swiftly swims next to Y/n. "You need to stop sleeping in class, you may be the princess but you have to focus" She says a bit annoyed and swims back to the front of the class. "Pfft I really dislike these classes" Y/n thinks as she looks out the window and stares at the merfolk having fun at the capitol.

"Man I can already hear my parents lecturing me about going to class... 'Y/n you must go for your own good!' don't goof off! your the princess be a role model to the others" Y/n thinks as she tries to focus on the lesson. After class is over she swims quickly back to the castle to prepare for the celebration.

"Hey F/n!" She says passing F/n, who's stuffing his face with food. "How was class?" He yells "Boring as usual" She says turning to look at F/n, he laughs his ass off. She laughs and continues swimming and enters the castle then heads straight to her room.

Inside the room is all messy with her random items she had collected and a unopened bag in the corner of the room. "Ahh I really need to clean up my room... ughhh too much work... let's look at what I'm going to wear for this year's party" She looks around the messy room but doesn't find the right outfit. "Nothing..." She glances at the unopened bag she has neglected for a while and opens it up. She finds a blue-green tank top and a few bracelets "Perfect!" She says grabbing them and putting them on.

As she does the bag falls over and the items inside fall out. "Aww no, more mess" She frowns and picks up a few items and clothes. One item catches her eye, it was a picture frame. "Hm, what's this?" She turns it over and sees that it's her and Eridan. "Oh it's Eridan and I..." A painful rush of pressure fills her head making her hold her head. Memories quickly rush in, the more she looks at the picture the more pain she gets.

Soon it stops and she falls on the floor of her room. She is breathing heavily and coughing. She had regained the last parts of her memories and only has one thing on her mind. Swimming out of her room she passes her parents as they are talking with a few merfolk. "Where you going dear?" "Somewhere important!" Swimming as fast as she can, she reaches her destination, the beach.

Through the crystal blue waters of the ocean she sees that the sun is starting to set, she must hurry! Getting closer to the edge she peeks her head out of the water, she notices a figure sitting at the usual spot, their usual spot. "It's gotta be him!" She quickly swims towards the figure and indeed it was him, he was just like how she found him, crying and hugging his knees.

"Hey! you! boy who's crying alone!" Y/n calls to Eridan who is startled and jumps up from where he's sitting and looks directly at Y/n. "Y/n! it's really you?" He says with a smile as his tears stream from his eyes. Y/n swims back in the water only to jump out and tackle Eridan to the ground. "Heh... I always wanted to do that" Y/n shyly says looking at him. "I've missed you so much..." "Eridan..." Y/n clears her throat and goofily smiles at Eridan. "So... what did you want to tell me at time..." Y/n blushes as Eridan starts to furiously blush "T-That... I love you" Y/n smashes her lips on his, taking him off guard but obliges.

Y/n breaks the kiss and nuzzles her face on his chest. "I love you too Eridan" The sun was almost gone, making the sky look in a variety of oranges, yellow and red. Looked very beautiful and romantic, perfect for the mood, it was getting more cooler so he gave her his cape and notices she has something in her hand. "Hm? what's that on your hand?" Eridan asks curious, on her hand she had a camera. "A camera, come let's take a picture to have as a memory of this day" *Snap* From that day on they would meet each other on the beach until her parents let her live with Eridan on the surface. Once they gave her their blessings, she began a new life with Eridan by her side. They lived happily ever after.

 They lived happily ever after

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-The End-


I hope everyone enjoyed the story and the drawing I made just for this story =w= ( I drew the girl like the one one the cover so, I'm sorry that's it's not more neutral ;w; ) Thank you for all the votes, comments and reads! ( holy shitz it's like 3k reads omg thank you all so much!!!) Take care everyone and I'll see you all in my other stories( or maybe not which is fine :D )

-Mizuki <3

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