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I lay on my bed consuming a chocolate donut while researching on World War II I has a history paper due and time wasn't stopping on my account. I suddenly heard that familiar new message sound on my Facebook tab. It was Patrick; I smiled as I licked my fingers before clicking {unsanitary I know}.  

Him: Hope you're ready for tomorrow. 

Me: Huh? Tomorrow what's happening tomorrow? 

Trying not to seem interested 

Him: You have to stay after school, so we can work on your Algebra. 

Me: Oh that...yea sure 

I realised that maybe I replied too quickly 

Him: Be sure to bring your calculator and text book 

I was annoyed that he was being so....professional. This wasn't like him, at least not online. 

Me: Sure. So what's up? 

Him: I have to go now got company 

My mouth dropped did he just cut me off? Before I could reply the bastard was already offline. A feeling of hurt evaded me, it must have been that bitch Shantel. I slammed the laptop shut. Who did he really think he was to just disrespect me like that? I marched down to the kitchen to find my mom cooking while my dad was on his phone talking to one of his many patients. 

"Yes Mr. Montgomery, this is normal you look at it as a problem I see it as progress." He paused "Okay why don't we change our Monday appointment to tomorrow, come by the office we can talk some more." 

I pulled a chair from the table rolling my eyes. My dad was a psychiatrist and he never had time for me or my little sister, and strangely I was the only one who hadn't adjusted to his workaholic behaviour. 

"This food smells superb honey." He said placing his phone on the counter top. My sister raced into the kitchen. 

"Jeeze I'm hungry! Where's the beef?" That girl was so annoying I always found it hard to believe we were ever related.  

"Manners Julie." My mom cried as she placed the meal on the table. "We learned this one last week. I hope it's edible." She giggled nervously. 

We all sat at the table consuming the food, mom really did a good job. 

"How did you do in the pop quiz Brittney?" She asked, I looked up seeing to realize all eyes were on me. 

"Oh,great! I got a B+."  

"That's wonderful; I knew you could do it." My dad commented trying to include his self. 

"Oh really, what subject was it?" I quizzed knowing he had no clue. 

"Britney." My mom interrupted placing her fork down.  

He looked at her expecting her to help. "Well History of course." 

Julie snickered "Classic dad." 

"May I be excused?" I had suddenly lost my appetite. 

"No you may not do such a thing." My mother retorted. 

"What? Why not?!" I whined. 

"Could you stop being such a drama queen?" Julie interrupted. 

Before I could reply my mom shot out at me. "Please Britney let's just try to eat together like a family." 

Tears stung my eyes, she was attacking me and I didn't deserve it. I finished my dinner without a word. I then marched to my room too exhausted to have a bath. I jumped into bed turned on my tablet to Facebook; hoping to see an explanation from Patrick. He was still offline but I did see a message. I smiled to myself as it opened. 

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