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Patrick offered me a ride home and I agreed since I didn't feel like walking home plus the more time I had with him wouldn't hurt. The ride home was intense I tried avoiding as much eye contact as possible when he spoke to me. He tried keeping the conversation casual, but I felt like everything he said or asked had a hidden meaning, which made my cheeks burn up every time. When I made my way out of the vehicle he held me back electricity flung through my body as his finger touched my skin, I turned around expecting something wild, but he was only wanted to give me my phone that fell out my back pocket. A smile covered my disappointment as I made my way to the house. I walked up the stairs and entered my room to find Hannah there waiting, with my i-pad in her hand I tried to read the expression on her face. 

"Hey, thought I told you I had classes." 

"Classes? More like a date?" She interrupted shoving my i-pad towards me.  

"What are you talking about?" I questioned looking down at the tablet. 

"You left your Facebook open." She answered irritated at my useless questions. 

"Hannah let me explain." 

"EXPLAIN.... You are having an affair with our Teacher and you failed to inform your best friend and you really think you can explain???!!" She shouted anger boiling through her. 

"I am not am not having an affair!... I haven't ....he hasn't even touched me for God sakes." 

"No wonder you dressed up so slutty today. I should have known." She retorted. 

"I cannot believe you're acting like this! You don't have to be jealous Hannah." 

"Jealous!? You think I'm jealous!, trust me Brittney I'm not jealous. I just cant belive you would stoop sooooo low."  

"Well if you feel that way get the hell out of my house Hannah, I need a friend not a nosy, lonely jealous imposter!" 

Hannah's mouth dropped tears filled her eyes. "I was already leaving." She croaked as she slammed my room door. I stood there alone anger rising within me Hannah had no right to invade my privacy. I jumped in bed and screamed into my pillow. 

Weeks went by Hannah and I still hadn't made up. But I refused to be the first to apologize I did nothing wrong she was the one who went snooping (Which was really childish if you ask me) .The only thing I regret was giving her access to my stuff. I now felt uncomfortable that she knew about me and Patrick. I never told him about our little fight because I refused to let him find out that Hannah knew about us. 

I was watching tv one afternoon when my dad came in. He sat next to me and looked at me suspiciously, something was bothering him. 

"Hey" He said sitting next to me 

"Uhhh hey?" 

"I haven't seen Hannah around here lately, is everything alright between you guys?" 

I rolled my eyes, who gave him the right to act as the concerned parent all of a sudden anyhow?  

"We're not friends anymore." I announced 

"You and Hannah...not friends? Is that even possible?" I remained silent."I hope this isn't about a boy." 


"I'm just saying, no boy should ever come between you guys' friendship." 

"Yea well it not about some boy." I replied switching off the t.v "and I really don't want to talk about it." 

"Britney, where are you going?" He shouted as I was headed toward the front door. 

"For a walk!" I dashed towards the door. I walked and walked trying to clear my mind, I need to think, so many things were going on, me and Hannah.... me and and her cooking sessions.....shantel....Partick and Chem paper due...I felt mentally drained, I never understood why old people would say teenagers shouldn't get stress, hell if they only freakin knew. I managed to walk a few miles away from home, almost three neighbourhoods away. I decided to walk a little further down to reach an ice cream parlour for a little treat; that would help.  

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