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A/N hey guys, can you please check out my new book "beyond the moon"? Means a lot. Enjoy :)

*lilys point of view*

As soon as the door opened, I sprinted towards it. I ran straight into Sam and Oliver's arms.

"Are you guys okay?!!? Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I sob into their shoulders.

"Lils were okay. I just got pushed around a little bit. I'm okay, sams okay." Oliver soothes. I look up at him and gasp.

"Pushed around my butt! You have a black eye, a busted lip, and bruises everywhere!" I exclaim. I look over and study sams face, and luckily ,looks like she wasn't touched except maybe a slap to the face. I hugged them both one more time before Logan and tabby walk in.

Logan and Oliver do this weird handshake thing while tabby just hugged them.

*Jason's point of view*

"Uhh Jason? Can I um, talk to you about something?" Logan asked quietly, which is not like him at all.

"Yeah sure bud" I replied and motioned him to follow as I walked into logans bedroom.

"So what did you need to talk about?" I asked, sitting in the bed.

Logan took a deep breath, "could you guys, like um, not baby me anymore? I mean I'm 14, not 4. I'm not a child anymore and I'm tired of being treated like one. So could you guys just, like, back off a tad please?" He asked, playing with the hem of his sleeves.

I looked at him and smiled. We haven't even noticed we were. I mean he's only 2 to 3 years younger that colton. He's a teenager, not a first grader. "Sure Logan. I'm sorry we've been babying you, I guess it was just a habit from when we were younger. I'll make sure to tell everyone else to stop and treat you the age you are. But is that all you wanted to talk about?"

"Uhm well, what are we going to do about the Oliver/Sam problem? I mean, I bet their parents are in jail, but where will they go? They have no one else jason! I don't want them to go to an orphanage!" He rambled, clearly not wanting to lose his best friends. Neither of us do, they're family.

"Logan, calm down. We've got it all settled out."

"And what are you going to do then?"

I smiled and chuckled softly.

"Were going to adopt them!"

************************************* A/N hey guys! Soo now you know what's going onn. And sorry if the last chapter was sad, wasn't trying to make it like that! And sorry it is so short! I wanted to update. And it's unedited. Byeeee! And happy valentines day babes!

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