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It's been about 3 days since I got in trouble and everyone has been ignoring me. Except tabby and Sam but besides that everyone. Including Logan and Oliver.

I hate being ignored. It makes me so angry. And sad. Usually on the rare occasion i am being ignored, I'm either mad, or I'm sad.

And this time I'm sad.

It's honestly the worst feeling in the world. Call me a baby but I've actually cried my self to sleep for the past 2 nights. I absolutely hate fighting with my family.

Most of them won't talk to me, emmett and a few others won't even look at me. If one of them do end up talking to me, they usually sound angry and annoyed, mostly telling me to leave the room. I don't even know what I did to deserve this, honestly! Its MY hair and I'm not the only one who did it! Tabby did it too and she's not being ignored! What did I do to make everyone hate me?

School was starting up soon, and I was not excited. I dont know how nice the people were or how the school worked or anything! It's very intimidating. I'm pretty sure it was starting in like... 2 weeks maybe? I don't remember.

I dont know how I'm going to get all of my school supplies and school clothes if everyone was mad at me till then.

I decided I was starting to get hungry so I walked downstairs and get a snack. I walked into the kitchen seeing cole at the stove cooking something. I decided to not be a bother and grab a bag of sour cream and Cheddar cheese chips.

Cole then turned around and sighed obnoxiously.

"Do you not see me cooking dinner?! I'm almost done and be patient! Gosh" he half yelled with a HUGE attitude in his voice. My eyes watered up again and I nodded, putting the chips back and running back to my room.


*Coles POV*

I honestly hate ignoring her. But we don't have a choice. Emmett and Jason decided it would be good for us to ignore her for a couple days, to learn her lesson. I don't think this is a good punishment. I mean, tabbys not being ignored, so why would we need to ignore ignore Lilly? It's just not fair to me.

She honestly looks so heartbroken and sad. I don't know why they would pick this as a punishment if they know she hates being ignored. They know it makes her sad.

The only two people who emmett said didn't have to do it was Sam and tabby but everyone else is. Hope can't talk so she is basically already doing it😂 but she's a baby so lily knows it's not her fault.

I also felt really horrible when I yelled at her . Emmett said if we needed to say something to her, to make sure to have an attitude and stuff which I hate . I hated seeing her cry and I was about to run after her but I know emmett would have my head.

I'm about to go talk to him about it honestly. I'm so done with making her sad and depressed.

I decided to just go up to Jasons room to tell him I'm not doing it anymore.

"Jason, its me let me in" I said knocking.

He opened the door while looking down at his phone, most likely texting Violet (the assistant nurse girl).

"What is it?" He asked, finally setting down his phone.

"Im not ignoring Lilly anymore. I can't be mean to her anymore. She's so sad Jason! You know she hates being ignored, and you know it." I stress.

"Yes I do know that, but she apparently said some stuff to Emmett about something and he thinks it's a good punishment" he stated.

"I honestly really don't care if emmett thinks it's a good punishment or not. I refuse to do this anymore" I seethed and walked out.

I Immediately went to Lilly's room, quietly knocking on the door. I heard some sniffles and the a quiet 'come in'.

"Hey sweetie" I say sweetly. Her eyes were rimmed red and glossy. I felt terrible.

"I'm so sorry" I whispered , walking closer to her bed. She held her hand up and I grabbed it, tugging her to my chest. I hugged her tight while she was sobbing into my chest muttering "I'm sorry" . I kissed her head a couple times as we gently swayed back and forth.

I gently laid down on her bed and cuddled her closely. I guess crying really worn her out because soon, she was asleep.

I admired her while she slept. Her long hair was still the lavender color, but it honestly didn't even look bad.

I played with her hair for a couple while longer. Soon, I was asleep too.


Lmao this is so short 😬 but at least i updated right!? I HAD the FREAKING WORST DAY EVER IN LIFE.   So it started when I didn't go to bed till like midnight last night and was extremely tired. I also have the biggest headache that lasted all day long,  and I had to finish my book at lunch so I can get extra credit in my language arts class cuz I have a 83% in there rn cause my teacher freaking gave me a C and a D on my essay and essay plan so idk if I brought it up to an A( if anyone can tell me what 83% plus 18 extra credit points or 83% with 2 90% and an 100% would be that would be great) and then I ended up starting my period right before I had to run the mile in gym so I basically ran a mile with a huge headache, cramps, and my earbuds kept falling out and my time was 13 mins cuase I walked some of it and we had a fire drill which made my head hurt more and  now all I want to do is sleep but my sister just told me were going to escape the room at 5 so I can't sleep, I have math hw and I have 2 different soccer practices tmr and I think I'm going to die soo :-)
Plus it's unedited.
P.s. thanks for letting me rant.

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