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Newt smiles down at me, letting go of my arm. I smirk back and then push the empty glass jar into Gally's frozen body. This shakes him from his state of shock as he grabs the jar.

"I do believe you have something to tell me, Gally," I say, folding my arms in front of my chest. I'm so proud of myself.

The boys hush one another and the crowd goes silent. No body knows Gally's secret recipe so I'm going to be the first now that I've won the bet. I'm sure the others are trying to hear even the slightest mention of one of the ingredients because they all crowd closer to Gally and me, closely leaning in their ears. Gally seems to think the same thing as he begins waving them off.

"Alright shanks," he barks, "let the lady and I have our little chat."

Some groan and they scatter, making their way toward the nest of hammocks.

'It must be Glader bed-time,' I think.

Everyone seems to disperse except for Newt, who remains at my side, Minho and Alby, who continue to talk in the distance, and Gally and me. I now realize how late it is as the once large-in-flames fire has now become a simple bonfire. The stars are clearly prominent. The sound of crickets chirping in the background help make the campfire experience complete. It helps me forget what I can't remember.

Then I hear it. A screech so loud I cover my ears without hesitation. I notice the others only gaze up toward the walls. I feel Newts hand on my shoulder. The thing that's making the noise must be as scary as it sounds for Newt to want to comfort me.

"What is that?" I shout, still cupping my ears.

No one responds.

I look up at the british boy as I uncover my ears. The noise had died down.

"Newt?" I whisper.

Their sudden defensive reaction, including tough Gally, have me extremely worried about what's behind those walls. Grabbing Newts arm, a shiver creeps up my spine. I completely forget about Gally's recipe secrets and the overall fact of what's happened today. I only feel the sheer terror of which that horrific noise has cast upon us defenseless, small, teenagers.

The same noise sounds off again, and this time both Newt and Gally firmly grab either of my arms, guiding me towards the hammocks. Mihno and Alby are close behind as we all march to the protection of the beds. I can't take this. I need to know what's happening, what's out there.

"No!" I yelp, trying to escape the grasps of Newt and Gally, "I have to know!"

'It sounds dangerous! I must go to it!' I think then shake my head at my own thought.

'Stop being so stupid and hide!' I try to convince myself. 'Why would you want to find danger?'

"I just have to know!" I answer my thoughts out loud, probably sounding like a maniac to the guys. I kick and squirm but unsuccessfully in my attempts to flee, again.

Alby commands from behind me, "Take her to the Homestead tonight and stay there with her, Newt. This is all new for her." I can feel Ably's understanding for my reaction in his voice.

Newt nods and directs me to the largest structure in the Glade, a house for eating and various activities. The noise has died down yet again. I feel relief and fear at the same time and try to collect myself without the distraction of the shrieks.

'What is out there? Is it really dangerous or just scary? Are the walls keeping us in or keeping whatever's behind them out? Why won't they tell me what's going on again? I'm a Glader now; I have the right to know!' I mentally question as I finally stop struggling against Newts forceful grip.

"Just breath," I hear Newt whisper to me.

I do as he orders and take a deep breath, releasing it after a few seconds. And repeat.

We come to the Homestead and enter. Inside are rows of homemade tables and what appears to be a kitchen off to the side with buckets as sinks and shelves full of baskets, glass jars, and bags of food. To the left is a flight of stairs, which Newt and I go up. The stairs lead to a small room with a bed, and a side table, on which is a candle and a set of stones, stands next to the bed. Newt shuffles over to the side table and picks up the stones, bashing them against each other towards the candles wick. Eventually a spark from the stones catches the wick and the candle begins to burn, lighting the room around us.

Newt holds up the candle and motions to the bed, which I assume is the only real bed in the Glade, and I take a seat at the end of it.

"I'm afraid to ask, but do you want it to yourself or..." he questions before I cut him off.

"No," I say a little too quickly, making me sound like I want him in bed with me.

"I don't mind if we share as long as you keep to your side," I add.

He nods and sits next to me, making sure to keep the candle from burning either of us. I feel his arm brush against mine, sending a reassuring sensation through my body.

"I'm sorry about the disturbance," Newt apologizes, looking at me. His brown eyes depicting him to be sincere.

"I know it's not easy hearing it for the first time. I'm still not used to it," he mutters.

I shrug. There's nothing for me to reply with so I remain quiet.

"Well, just so you know, you'll hear them throughout the night, but I'll be here for you if you need me," he says comfortingly, "Now let's get some rest. You've had a long day today."

And with that, we both gather under the covers. Newt blows out the candle and lays down, facing me. Although it's dark, I can still see his face and avoid eye contact. I know I said I can handle doing anything the guys can do, but sleeping with one of them was not going to be easy.

Newt seems to notice shyness and asks, "Are you sure you're okay with me being here?"

"Yes," I whisper, finally looking back at him.

At that, he smiles at me then rolls over to face the other way.  Sleep eventually captures both of us.

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