A new boy

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Demi's POV:

It's the first day of school. My first class is biology. I hate this class. First, I'm not good in biology. And second, there are only popular kids in here, which means I always sit alone. I'm drawing random things in my notebook when I hear a knock on the door. Everybody looks up. 'That must be the new kid' mr Walter says. New kid? Nobody told me about a new kid? Maybe I'm finally making a friend! 'Mr Walter?' a deep voice says. 'Yes, that's me. Come in uh' mr Walter looks at the paper he's holding in his hands. 'Harry, come in Harry.' It's a guy. Mr Walter sits down again and tells Harry he can search for a place to sit. Here, come sit next to me! He lets his glance glide over the class. His eyes spot me. ME. Me, Demi carter. He's gonna sit here, he's really gonna sit next to me. He slowly walks to my place. 'Come sit here mate!' I turn my head to the left. Niall, one of the popular kids waves to Harry. No! Do not sit there! Harry looks from me to Niall and decide then that he's gonna sit next to Niall. Fuck. My only chance to make a new friend slipped away for my eyes. Harry sits down next to Niall and mr Walter goes on with his class. This is a good time to take a look at Harry. His brown curls are perfectly in model. His muscular body shows under his black v-neck shirt. Damn. He wears a tight jeans and allstars. He's gorgeous. Suddenly he turns his head to the right, his green eyes looking into mine. I blush and turn my head to my notebook again. In this class, it's only me and my notebook.

The bell rings and everybody stands up. I grab my things and put them in my bag. My next class is math. Luckily this is with my own class, where I have friends. I walk out of the classroom and find Harry looking confused at his schedule. Shall I walk over to him and help him? No, he wouldn't want to talk to me, I mean, he's one of the populars now, I think. I shake my head and walk past him. After a few passes I feel a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turn around, to see Harry. 'Can you tell me where this is?' he asks as he shows me his schedule. I take a loot at his schedule and find out it's exact the same as mine. 'We have exact the same classes' I say and look at him. He grins. 'Can I walk with you?' he asks. I nod and smile. While we walk to math we talk a bit, not much but it's better that nothing. I explain some things about the school and where things like toilets are. 'Can I sit next to you?' he asks me when we walk into the classroom. 'Oh, I'm sorry, I sit next to Jay with maths' I say. 'But we can sit next to each other the class after this one?' I ask him. He shakes his head slowly. 'I'm sitting next to Niall there' he says. I nod slowly. 'Okay then, I'll see you another time, bye' I say and walk to my place next to Jay. 'Who's that?' he asks if I sit down. 'Don't I get a "oooh deem I have missed you so much! How was your holiday?"' I grin and grab my books. 'Oooh deem I have missed you so much! How was your holiday?' he asks me and gives me a hug. Jay is my best friend and yeah, I love him so much. 'That's better. My holiday was good, yours?' I ask. He nods. 'Mine was good too. But okay, who's that guy?' he asks me. I turn my head to look at Harry, who's sitting alone. 'That's Harry. He's in all of my classes, he's new' I reply. Jay makes a soft 'oh' noise and smiles. Mrs Davies walks in and starts her class. Jay and I talk a bit and wait till the class is over. After this class I walk to chemistry with Harry and I sit down next to Ashley. We aren't friends who do things after school but she's nice. The weird thing is, in classes where popular kids are, Harry ignores me. But if there are no popular kids, he want to talk to me all the time. Weird....



Hi guys!

So, this is the first chapter! Sorry if it sucked and it's short :( But okay, let me know what you think!

Oh and btw, in this story, one direction doesn't exist. Harry, Liam, Niall, Louis and zayn do exist but they are not famous ;)





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