Same classes yay

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Unknown's POV:
This young looking teenage boy bumped into me, he looks scared about something, I then help him up and I looked worried
"Are you alright?" I say to him, with worry printed on my face,
"Yes, I'm so sorry for bumping into you!! I'm just late for my classes." He says blushing madly
"Oh no, it's okay, I'm Tom! What's your name young boy?" I ask him smiling with a angelic face,
"I'm Andrew...." He says blushing, oh my god, his eyes are so innocent and cute,
I blush a bit due to his blush across his face,
"Nice to meet you Andrew, Wanna be friends?" I give him a bright grin, I'm like smiling 24/7....
"Sure!" He gives a little grin and hugs me, I hug him back,
We end up hugging for a few mins, it felt nice, having a human like him held in my arms, such passion ♥️
I then pull away and I say "sorry, but we can't keep hugging all day, because we have classes to do," I then brush my uniform so it looks neat and tidy, my uniform looks like Andrew's,
"Aww.." Andrew pouts softly
"Sorry, we can do some hugging later...." I say trying to comfort him,
"Yay," he says softly
I just grin at him
We both look at our time table, "looks like we have the same classes" we both say In time, I then laugh a bit, because we talked at the same time,
Andrew smiles wider
"Oh sweet! Yay! You can sit next to me if you want for all my classes,"
"Okay then I sure will," I smile at him and I give him a hug and then pull away,
We then both start heading off to our classes
(How was this chapter? good wasn't it? Lol I tried, anyways, I'm gonna make more chapters asap!!)

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