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Michelle's POV
The next morning was like usual. To top it off I had a headache. Though this morning there was more of an awkward silence.

"I'm going over to Johann and Ale's house later." I said to Richard when I was finished cleaning around.

"So if you want you can go out with whomever you want." I said walking to go take a shower.

After the shower I got ready. I put on a white sweater, black jeans a floral scarf and brown combat boots. I also but on a beanie to match the scarf and I grabbed my phone and purse. I walked to where Richard was.

"Imma go Christmas shopping too since Christmas is literally a couple day away." He nodded.

"Ok, I will too." I noticed that he was dressed to go out too. Wearing a red long sleeved shirt, black jeans and a black snapback. I gave him a hug and a kiss and left.

Their house is not far away so I walked. I walked by Alan's house and he was outside with his brother. I told them both hi and made my way down the road.

I was nearing Erick's house and he was walking out when I was passing by.

"Hey Michelle." He said as I made my way to him and gave him a hug.

"Hey Erick how are you doing?" I said.

"Great, where are you headed to?" He asked.

"I'm heading over to Alejandra's house." I said pointing down the long distance I had to walk.

"I'll drop you off since I'm heading that way anyways." He said and I thanked him.

While on the way Erick asked me a question. "Hey isn't Johann going out with that one chick Jessica?"

"Yea, you know her?" I asked curiously.

"She cheated on my cousin before." He said stopping at Ale's house.

"Yea she is cheating on Johann too." I said sighing. He just shook his head.

"Thanks Erick." I said getting out at her house. He drove away.

I knocked on the door and Ale opened the door. "Hey Michelle come on in." She said. I walked in to see Johann and Yoyo sitting down watching a movie.

"Ale I wanted to know if you wanted to go Christmas shopping." I said.

"Yes!! Let me go get my things!" She said getting her stuff and telling the boys bye.


We walked into the mall. We entered a few stores and bought gifts for Karen, Lesly, Natalie, Rebecca, Daiana. And I secretly bought a gift for Ale also.

We moved on to buy some gifts for the boy after. We bought some presents for the boys, Yashua, Joel, Christopher, Zabdi, Erick, and Jaime.

We entered the guys stores to look for the last two presents for Yoyo and Johann.

"Ale look at this shirt I think Johann would like it. Do you know what size he is?" I showed her the shirt and she said.

"How should I know?" I rolled my eyes.

"He is your brother!" I said. She stopped moving. She got closer to me.

"Michelle look its Jessica!" She said pointing at Jessica flirting with the cashier.

"Trash." I shook my head in disaproval.

I grabbed the items I was gonna buy and payed for them. As Ale finished paying we hurried after Jessica as she was walking out.

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