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Mr. Adams opened the front door of his huge mansion and walked inside. The building was pure white with pillars just outside the front door. He had flowers and plants planted but I was sure he hired someone to do it. Vampires didn't do yardwork.

He tossed his keys on the table in the foyer and shed the jacket of his suit. "Take this upstairs to my room. First door on the right."

"Yes, sir." I said softly, taking it from him.

The foyer just inside the door was plain and white also. It opened up to a sitting area with dark purple and green velvet furnature. The stairs hugged the left side of the room with black carpet covering each step.

I walked up them and headed to the bedroom. The hallway was nicely lit with fake plants every few feet. It was a nice place but it wasn't some place I wanted to stay at forever. Especially with him.

I walked into the bedroom and stopped, my mouth falling open. The bed looked to be bigger than a King size and it was neatly made. There was a large, flat screen TV on the opposite wall, a selection of movies on a shelf beside it. There were two doors that, I assumed, let to a bathroom and the closet. Upon further inspection, they did.

I walked into the closet and hung the jacket up, desperately hoping it looked neat. I'd already made him mad once and I didn't want to keep the streak going.

I made sure everything was in place then I walked back down the steps to find him. He was sitting on the couch with a book in his lap. It looked like a dictionary from the thickness of it.

"Come here." He said, waving me over without looking at me.

I took a deep breath then walked over to him, my hands starting to shake.


I sat down beside him and tried to hide the fact that I was incredibly nervous.

Without breaking his stare from the book, he grabbed my wrist and put it against his lips. His fangs extended and he bit down on my skin.


"Sydney, get up."

Resisting my urge to groan, I forced myself up. I was laying on the couch, by myself, but Mr. Adams was standing just a few inches away, looking incredibly irritated.

"Humans are a pain to wake up." He walked over to the front door and grabbed a set of keys. Then he walked back to me. "I'm hosting a gathering this evening. Here's a list of things I want you to do before I get back. If you need anything, call the number on the back and I'll get whatever you need."

I took the piece of paper from him and looked over the list. 

"I should be back around one so you might want to get started as soon as possible." He said, twirling his keys with his finger. "Oh and your collar has a sensor in it. If you try to run any further than ten feet in any direction from the house, it'll shock you. And I'd hate for my guests to find you dead on the lawn."

Without allowing me to say anything more, he left, locking the front door behind him.

I got to my feet and stared down at the list:

Clean the first floor. Spotless.

Fix appetizers for close to fifty. Something with bacon.

Dinner won't be necessary.

Set up a mini bar with all the drinks. I'll bring more with me when I get back.

Find the sparkly red dress on my bed and put it on. I want makeup on and your hair pulled up. No sloppiness allowed at this party.

I grabbed the blanket that had been on the couch and ran up the steps, my hands already starting to sweat. I had a long day ahead of me.

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