Part 23

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Morgan was right, there wasn't anyone I wanted more in my life then Amelia. From the moment, she strolled out of the crowd at the party she had me. Those green eyes that always seemed to pierced though my soul causing my heart to race a million time faster every time she looked at me.

"Let's go," I stood too quickly making the room spin as I reach for the dresser to brace myself.

"Easy there, Lace, I think you should take a shower, you reek," Morgan said waiving her hand in front of her face making me scowl. " I've got some clothes for you in the car wasn't sure what shape I'd find you in but you can't let your girl see you like this."

I looked at my winkled clothes and sighed while heading to the bathroom I took in my appearance in the mirror and cringed it's been a while since I looked this rough, remembering back to my first years in the Marines. I was drunk every chance I got pining over a girl I thought was dead. I sighed again 'Jackie' she hasn't changed at all. 'Except she was a mother now' I thought as I remembered the little blond girl calling my mother nan.

It must have been rough for her, with everything that happened and then winding up pregnant on top of it all. I stripped off my clothes and got in the shower, why was my mind on Jackie? Why did I feel sorry for her, she nearly lost me the woman I'm in love with. Why did she kiss me and why in the hell did she want me back after everything she'd revealed? I groaned partially from the hang over and partially because I didn't understand why I was thinking about her. Did I still have feelings for her? I searched my mind remembering back to when I did love her. Do I still?

I shook the thought from my head, I love Amelia that I knew without a doubt. So answering my own question, No, I did not love her anymore not in that way, I might still care about her, but I am in love with Amelia. I just hope Lia can forgive me for running off and not chasing after her. 'such an idiot' I scolded myself. But this is only my second relationship I tried to justify how am I supposed to know what the hell I'm doing.

Tired of battling with myself I got out of the shower to find my clothes placed on the bathroom counter with a little travel bag filled with deodorant, a tube of toothpaste and a toothbrush. I got my self-dressed, brushing my teeth before stuffing my clothes into the pack Morgan brought then made my way back into the room to find her on the phone, probably with Lauren. 'Look, just don't give her a hard time she's had a rough night' I heard her say. Yup defiantly Lauren, 'We'll meet you two at the diner,' she hung up before I could stop her.

"We can't go there." The word shot out of my mouth quickly. She looked at me confused. "Jackie, s-she owns that diner," I stumbled.

She smiled at me and shrugged, "we know."


"Don't worry about it," She said grabbing my bag and shoving me to the door.

We pulled up in front of the diner and I was suddenly nervous, looking through the window I could see Amelia chatting with Lauren, she looked out the window and towards the SUV, she smiled making me relax and release the breath I didn't realize I was holding. I watched her stand from her seat as I exited the vehicle, only to see a scowl on Laurens' face when I looked at my her causing me to groan, I knew what awaited me then I walked in.

The door swung open as I reached it as a fiery redhead leaped into my arms. "I missed you," she mumbled into my neck as I inhaled deeply taking in her vanilla scent which had become one of my favorite things about her.

"I'm sorry," I whispered into her ear.

"There's nothing to be sorry about, I know this trip has been rough on you. I'm just glad your back Ley." She said leaning back to look me in the eyes, I leaned forward catching her lips with mine.

"I love you," I said pulling back enough to rest my forehead against hers. I felt something wet land on my face followed by another and another, I raised my head to look for the source, finding the first signs of winter approaching. Amelia giggled as she raised a hand out to capture the snowflakes. I watched as they slowly drifted down landing on her bright red hair before melting into tiny beads of water. "Let's get you out of the cold, " I smiled at her playfulness taking her had I led her inside.

My smile quickly vanished when we reached the table, Lauren kept quiet though I bet if I looked close enough I would see the steam coming out of her ears. "Lacey," I heard my mother's voice from behind me. I turned and was instantly pulled into her as she hugged me. "Are you alright dear? you had us worried sick"

"Sorry, mom," god this was becoming a constant word in my vocabulary. "I didn't mean to make you all worry," I looked over at my sister, watching her eyes soften. Amelia sat and I followed as did my mother. Sarah came by with some coffee and took our order before disappearing though the kitchen door.

We sat a talked about nothing, trying to keep the conversation lite and away from the events of the night. The restaurant was fairly busy for the day before Thanksgiving the bell constantly rang as the patrons came and went. "Nan!" I head a child yell out before my mother was attacked by a little blond, who could not have been more the 7 years old.

"Jay Jay" my mom smiled as she pulled the little girl into her lap. I smile at how happy the child made my mother and how happy my mother seemed to make the child, "Where's your papa." She asked the little girl. I watched as she pointed to the tall man heading our way. He pulled up a chair next to my mother and took the little girl from her.

"Who is that papa?" she said pointing to me as she spoke with the cutest British accent.

"That is Lacey, sweetie," Ben answered. She looked at him then back at me.

"Lacey?" she questioned him watching him nod. "like me?" she asked making me confused.

"Almost honey," my mom answered her. Lacey is with an 'L' you are Jacey, with a 'J'. My jaw dropped as I starred at the little girl, I knew because she was with Ben the she was Jackie's but now I was even more was confused.

"Mum" I heard her yell as the kitchen door swung open, Sarah and Jackie carried over trays filled with food. My eyes drifted back to the little girl then to Amelia. She smiled at me before kissing my cheek.

"What the hell is going on." I whispered. "Did you know?"

She nodded, "I met her last night when Jackie stopped by the hotel to talk to me." I looked over to Morgan and my sister who both shrugged and shook their heads letting me know they had no idea. I looked up when I heard the plates being placed before us, Jackie grabbed her daughter without looking at me and headed back towards the kitchen. "We'll talk about it later, " Amelia said answering my unasked question. I picked up my coffee and took a sip as she chatted with my mother.

Finishing my food, I couldn't wait to get the hell out of here and find out what Jackie stopped by to talk to Amelia. This damn trip couldn't get any weirder that it's been. My head started pounding again and I rubbed my temple, the chatter from the restaurant started to take its toll. "Are you ok babe?" Amelia asked.

"Just a little punishment from last night," I gave her a small smile.

"Let's get you back to the hotel to rest," she whispered making I nodded in agreement "Carol we'll see you at the restaurant later tonight, we have a couple of errands to do this morning.." we said our good byes deciding to walk the few blocks to the hotel leaving the SUV for Morgan and Lauren.

"what did you mean we'll see them tonight? Aren't we going to theirs for dinner tomorrow?" I asked wrapping my arm around her to shelter her from the cold.

'She's your mother Ley, she just wants to spend time with you and your sister." I signed knowing she was right. "What you do last night?" she asked.

"Something I said I'd never do again." She looked at me "I drank myself to sleep." I watched her frown.

'I'm just glad you're ok." She said taking my hand as we neared the hotel.

Making our way into the room, I got undressed and fell into the bed. Amelia bought me some aspirin, I yawned as she placed a kiss on my forehead, "Why did Jackie come by to see you?" I asked still yawning.

"Get some rest baby, we'll talk when you wake up." That was the last thing I heard before passing out.

Out Of The Shadows (Lesbian fiction) (Edited version published on amazon)Where stories live. Discover now