Chapter Four: Swimming the Dophin

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Chapter Four

Swimming The Dolphin


            The next few days were a blur. Everything went by so fast . . . like a heartbeat. I saw that the group had gathered another new member- Ryugazaki Rei, and, personally, I was shocked. The geek of the class . . . The out-straight runner . . . Turns into a swimmer? Seriously? I swear, that has to be a record. But then again . . . I felt bad for the guy since all he could do was . . . the butterfly . . . the official hardest stroke of swimming history . . . in races that is.

            I was looking outside the wall window as usual. Another school day was over yet again . . . Summer was drawing nearer by the second. I heard that Nanase was racing his old friend and so forth from the school gossip. Truth was . . . I never really hung out with the three since the pool meet we had. Since then, I was on my own . . . I didn’t go to the dance either. It was a waste of time . . . pretty much . . . However, I did swim a lot more than usual.

            “Kasumi,” my brother called me from the kitchen.

            “Hai?” I questioned in reply as I leaned upon the kitchen counter.

            “I have a job promotion,” he smiled, trying to mask his excitement.

            I grinned, “That’s amazing! But . . . why tell me like . . . uh . . . this? You usually keep these things to yourself.”

            He sighed nervously, “We’re . . . moving to Tokyo! Can you believe it? Japan’s greatest city! Tokyo!”

            “I suppose that I can,” I replied hesitantly.

            “Good,” he smiled. “We’re leaving tomorrow.”

            Just as I was about to object his words, he added, “I know you always keep your things in specific drawers. Use the empty boxes in the basement. You don’t have that much stuff either. That’s why we’re leaving tomorrow. Usually . . . it takes about a month to do these things . . . but . . . my company told me that it has everything under control, okay? And . . . you’ll be attending Ryosuke High as a senior directly . . . instead of continuing as a junior. It’s too easy for you.”

            I sighed, realizing that there was nothing to do more, “Okay.”

            I dashed up the stairs and packed everything I had into the boxes I had gathered from the basement. I guess brother had everything planned out today since I heard him call the principal from his neat and tidy office.

            I had to comply with Brother since . . . he usually never really took charge of me really. He always knew I was responsible for my actions, words, thoughts, and doings. For him to just barge in and make a move like this . . . meant that he was serious. I mean like . . . dead serious, although he seemed a bit . . . jumpy and hyper . . .

            “I guess that this is it . . .” I exhaled loudly.

            “Hey, Kasumi!” my brother yelled.

            “Yeah?” I shouted in return from my closed door.

            “Did you pack everything yet?” he asked.

            “Yeah, why?” I countered.

            “Even your underwear?” he teased.

            My face turned totally red as I responded to his joke, “Perv!”


Nanase Haruka’s Point of View


            It had been weeks since Kasumi had been . . . missing, but everyone around me thought that she was sick or something of the sort. Kasumi was rarely sick. I guess these were one of those rare times.

            “Class!” the teacher called. “To confirm where Mizushima Kasumi has been all this time . . . she has transferred from our school to Ryosuke High School in Tokyo for a scholarship.”

            “What scholarship is it?” inquired one of the students.

            She paused for a moment to think, “A scholarship in swimming and academics. She was invited to be trained so that she could one day participate in the Olympics . . . representing Japan.”

            “Invited to one day attend the Olympics, hm?” I thought mentally as I saw . . . from the corner of my eye . . . both Nagisa and Makoto exchange glances . . . “I guess I missed my chance to see her one more time before she left . . .”


Nagisa’s Point of View


            Kasumi . . . gone! Somebody please tell me I’m dreaming!  I haven’t seen her at all recently . . . and now you tell me she’s gone! Commotion was rising all around us. She even swam competitively now? I thought she said that she used to . . . not now! For Kami’s sake . . . that must mean that she’s good! Eek! How could I forget that she tied with Haru-chan! She’s good! But she must be better that that if she made it to the swim team for the Ryosuke High . . . Ack! I’m confused again! Kya!

Ryugakazi’s Point of View


            I don’t know who on earth this Kasumi girl is . . . but . . . she must be good to make it into the team . . . of Ryosuke High. Maybe I should apply . . . no . . . I must train with Nanase to become a better swimmer . . . He is the king of all swimmer kings! (Note the satire)

Tachibana Makoto’s Point of View


             Wow . . . Kasumi . . . what did you do when we weren’t looking?! Woah . . . girl . . . what are you . . . a genius?

            Good, Kami . . . what did you give this girl? Talent beyond belief? Or what? Here I thought we were good . . . And she was just . . . above the average. Ugh . . . people nowadays . . . who are they really?

Nanase Haruka’s Point of View


            I promise . . . One day . . . I will compete alongside with Mizushima Kasumi.

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