Into Trouble {Dark Narry boyxboy}

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A/N Everything you're going to read in this story is made up by me. Non of it is real, except for in my head, no facts. It's all made up.

So guys, I live in Belgium, we speak Dutch there and I'm only fourteen years old... words could me spelled wrong, sorry for that!

- Harry's POV -

'Mr. Styles why are you wasting your time in this class if the only thing you do is sleep?!' My teacher roars through the tiny space where I had my period of History.

'It's not my fault History is so fucking boring', I spit. I put my head back on my arms and try to get some more sleep. I was out partying all night, I was desperate for some sleep.

There was no noice in the entire room, were they all so kind to shut up while I was asleep? Or was there something up? I lifted my heavy head of my arms and looked into the purple face of my teacher.

'OUT! NOW!' He yelled at me, covering me with saliva.

I cleaned my face with the palm of my hand and looked him in the eye.

'I took a shower this morning, but I appreciate it that you're worried about my hygenes', I say calm. 

I slowly walk outside and see that every kid in my class is looking at me with some sort of fear.

I settle myself down on the floor of the corridor, put on my sunglaces and close my eyes, time for a nap.


- Niall's POV -

I couldn't concentrate anymore, my bladder was about to explode. "Why did you have to drink so much Fristi this morning Niall?! Whyyyy?!"

I put my hand in the air, hoping the teacher would notice me. He's explaining how owl's find there pray. Lovely. I love Bio! It's really my favorite supject... not. I mean I learn it and get good grades and all that, but I just didn't give a damn about everything I was learning. 

Finally mr. Dolby notices me.

'Niall, what is it?' He askes me polite. 

'I really really really have to go to the toilet mr. Dolby!' I beg him.

No more Fristi in the morning. No more Fristi in the morning. No more Fristi in the morning.

I could almost feel my bladder rupture.

No more Fristi in the morning. No more Fristi in the morning. No more Fristi in the morning.

'Okay Niall, but don't stay away long! This is very important', he says in a serious voice. How important it might be, I just really needed to pee. Hey that rimes!

As I was speed walking trough the corridor I trip over something very large in the middle of the corridor and I a little scream escapes my lips.

'What the hell?!' I hear someone curse. I knew that voice, and I didn't like it!

'Why are you disturbing my sleep, little shit?' He asks me calm. My heart starts beating fast, please don't hit me.

'It was an accident, I just really need to pee', I explain to him.

'If you wake me up one more time I'll have to eat you in whole, understand that little mouse?' He says with a weird, scary smile on his face. I didn't like it.

'Won't happen again! I promise!' I ran into the toilets where I finally get to empty my bladder.

I unbuckle my belt and open up my pants.

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