Chapter 4

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- Niall's POV -

When my mum came home and asked how my day was, I didn't tell her anything about Harry. I wasn't ready. She just didn't need to know yet. He wasn't my boyfriend he was just a friend that came by today and we just happened to watch a romantic movie in my bed and eat pizza together. I mean, I didn't tell her everything about what me and Josh did, so why would I tell her what I did with him today? If the time came she would know. I made the homework, Josh told me we had to do, against my will and went to my bedroom afterwards. I didn't feel happy anymore, I wasn't sad but there was something missing in my life. It was my little Hazza, I just knew it. That name was enough to make me smile and it made butterflies erupt in my bellie, wich gave me an odd but good feeling. The butterflies faded away way to fast in my opinion and my body was empty again. I wanted to have that feeling everyday and every night for the rest of my life, and I knew that if I really wanted to be with Harry and he wanted that for us too, we would end up together.

The food I ate that night didn't taste the way like that pizza did, it tasted just like normal food. Normal food without Harry. Harry made that food perfect and tasty. Even if it was just a regular deepfreez pizz. It was his body that did that. The way our hands touched when we grabbed a new slice of pizza at the same time, the shock that went through my body was amazing. It made me feel vivid. I felt a little bit ashamed that he had that sort of influence on me, but I didn't care that much. We were just friends, that maybe were turning into something more than friends, there's nothing wrong with that. Not in my point of view.

'Mum, I'm going to sleep now. See you tomorrow', I yell from upstairs, I was tired.

'Sleeptight hunny, and brush your teeth!'

'I'm no baby anymore woman!' I yelled back at her with my Irish accent while my teeth were gnashing.

She didn't reply, luckily. I brush my teeth, comb my hair and undress myself.

I jump on my bed and relax my body, it had been a busy day! But one of the best day's I've ever had! I could still feel something in my cheeck from the thwack Harry gave me this morning, but it was worth it. I was actually happy he had punched me in the face, how odd it may sound. That one punch gave me a whole day with him! Was this healthy? Being happy to have pain so you can spend time with someone? I don't think so... but I couldn't care less. In my opinion Harry could punch me every single day of forever if that means I can spend every day of forever with him.

Tomorrow will be nice, I hope so. Me and Harry will hang out all day and it will be perfect and maybe I can talk with him about that kiss on my cheeck and we can "proceed". Ohw come on Niall, don't you rush into things. You didn't even have your first kiss yet so don't you start thinking like this. You know you will just change your mind at the very last moment because you will think it's "awkward" to kiss someone while it just isn't. It's just fucking romantic and your Irish ass can't handle it. I really have to make that anoying voice in my head shut up if it can't tell me anything that I don't know.

Thinking about how me and Harry would look together at prom I fell into a deep dreamless sleep.


I can't really remember much of that morning, but I could feel the broose on my bum because I fell of the stairs. I just wanted to be at school too quick, I wanted to see Harry and hugg him. The next thing I knew I was on my bike to school. I've never cycled so fast in my entire life. I just had to be there, at school, with Harry. I didn't care that I would have math and history and all those crappy subjects. He would make my day good!

When I arrived at school Josh came up to me, I sigh, was he here to complain about Harry some more? Because if that was the case he could leave, immediately. Harry is in my eyes a closed subject if you want to talk bad about him. And if you just hàve to talk bad about him, do it in your sleep where I can't hear you.

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