Part 3

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Your bags were packed and waiting for you by the door. Time began to slow down as your mind flashed back to earlier. You cringed at how awkward you had been in that situation with Cas, how poorly you reacted but worse of all, how much you hurt him. You wanted to call him. Apologise. Set things straight. But how high were the chances that you'd just freeze up again? There was a knock at the door. Sam peered in. "Are you ready?" he asked eyeing the bags. "I just gotta check out," you said. He offered to take your bags and after thanking him he left. You sighed and left the room.

After returning your keys you walked to the parking lot of the motel. The brothers were sitting in the Impala, it's engine growling from anticipation. You saw Dean bobbing his head and you heard your favourite song blasting out the radio, instantly raising your spirits. You crept over to the Impala, keeping your head down so they wouldn't see you. Once you got to Dean's open window you waited a few seconds for your favourite line and when it came you sprung up, singing enthusiastically to it, "DON'T YOU CRY-". It all happened so quickly and violently from that point. As you sprung up yelling the lyrics, Dean was taken aback by utter shock. His reflex quickly set in and his large fist swiftly collided with your much smaller nose at incredible speed. Pain shot through your nose and all the way through your brain. "SHIIIIT," you screeched, toppling back onto the concrete. Dean blinked a few times and Sam stared at him for a few seconds before they both sprung out of the car to aid you. "Are you ok (y/n)? " Sam asked distressed as he attempted to inspect your nose. You swatted away his hand with your free one, while the other tried to conquer the gushing waterfall of blood erupting from your nostrils. "NO I AM NOT. THE BLOODY IDJIT BROKE MY NOSE," you screamed. "I am so sorry, (y/n), come on let me see," Dean said gently, tenderly taking your fingers and removing them from your sensitive nose. "BE CAREFUL. I DON'T WANT TO LOSE ANOTHER APPENDAGE," you snapped back but permitted him and Sam to inspect your nose. "It's broken," Sam said quietly, eyeing the deep purple bruise infecting your nose. "WELL I DID NOT KNOW THAT SAMMY. THA-" Dean cut you off mid-rant. "Let's get you to the hospital" he said apologetically, helping you up. Sam took his hoodie off and gave it to you, "sorry I don't have any tissues," you thanked him and pressed the clothing against your bleeding nostrils gingerly. "I'm so sorry," Dean started but you cut him off with your request for him to drive.

On the highway, your nose throbbed more and more. "I'm losing so much blood," you whimpered looking down at the hoodie, "I'm gonna die from blood loss". "No you're not, there's hardly any blood," Dean consoled. "I should confess something. I didn't make the fudge. I bought it. How do you even make fudge? What even is fudge?". "Just hold on," Sam rubbed your back. You leaned against the window. "I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die" you chanted. The brothers exchanged glances between each other.
"I'm gonna die"
"I'm gonna die"
"I'm gonna die"

Of course you didn't though. After loitering in the hospital waiting room for what seemed like hours but accurately told would have only been around 10 minute, you were finally called in. The doctor only accepted one person for you to go in with and Dean offered to go because of guilt and general concern for your welfare. "It's into pieces alright, " joked the doctor inspecting your nose. "I'll stitch up that cut, position your nose where needed, and your body can handle the rest," he smiled, removing his latex gloves and chucking them into the bin.
After getting the necessary stitches, quick positioning and being handed a leaflet with advice in healing a broken nose, you and Dean joined Sam in the waiting room. He asked how you were, and after explaining your condition with a nasal voice you grabbed an ice tea from a vending machine and left.
Dean apologised to you several times throughout the drive. "I'm sorry for kicking your knee but breaking my nose was a bit harsh," and such comments made him writher in guilt. It lightened up your mood but his sympathy turned the tables on you and you were the one suffering from guilt. Agreeing to drop the subject, Dean turned up the radio per your request and the two of you sung along to AC/DC, while Sam smiled at your mended friendship.

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