Part 8 Castiel's P.O.V

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Hunts came and went without a hitch. At least from what the boys told me; (y/n) wasn't allowed to join them. I won't risk letting her out of my sight. I was terrified of my brothers and sisters, not out of what they might do to me but what they'd do to her. I know she would be more vulnerable to their assault. I know that killing her would be more convenient to them then going after me. I feel horrible. Had I chosen to fall for the one person I never should have? Truth be told, the real reason I feel horrible was that, against all odds, against all laws, I know I am in love with the right girl. It feels right. It's undeniable.

She told me something.

It's been almost a week since their initial attack on me. I know we're safe here, in the bunker. I also know I can't keep her captive here. It's my fault, I knew where our relationship was heading. I should have ended it before it even started. But I was so happy. The way she smiled at me, the way she tugged on my sleeve when she wanted to talk to me in private, the way she preferred cuddling on my right side, the way she did anything, every small detail of her character gave me purpose. I was going to do anything for her. She made me realise that that didn't mean I would give my life for her. That means I would do anything to make sure we both live, for a long time.

"(Y/n)!" I call, limping through the halls of the bunker, aiming for the library. I called again, but with no response I began panicking. I called again, picking up pace. "Boo!" she screamed, running into me and hugging me from behind. Her figure enveloped me, nuzzling her face into my back. "You had me worried," I say, turning around to face her. I kissed her hair, breathing in her warm fragrance. God, she smelt so good. "You're forgetting that I'm still capable of protecting myself," she said defiantly lifting her chin up with pride. "Don't forget you are still capable of being protected," I replied. "By an angel no less," she spoke into my chest, giggling. There was a sound far away. I reached for my blade as we both listened intently. They formed a tune, lyrics of a song, "don't fear the reaper". "My phone!" she squeeled, patting her pockets. She ran off in search of it and I couldn't help but laugh as she tripped over seemingly nothing in her hurry.

I sat myself in the library awaiting her return. She came in clutching the phone between her fingers so tightly it made her knuckles pale. "Is everything ok?" I ask her. "Look Cas. I know that you're worried about me. But you can't forget that I am a hunter. A pretty darn good one at that. I've been through all sorts, you know and-". "Where is this going (y/n)?" "Sam and Dean called and they need help. They're up against like a few dozen vampires and they've got their scent and they need all the help they can get and I know you-", I smiled as she waved her arms around in a panic. "(Y/n), let's go then," I said, extending my hand to her. "Really?". "They are my friends too. Besides, I will be by your side at all times," I pulled her into chest once she took my hand. "Where are we going?" she showed me the address the boys had sent to her. I flew to the warehouse the boys had instructed us to go to.

The Impala was parked not too far from where we landed, but the Winchesters weren't inside. "I can't believe they would go ahead without us," she said worriedly, dragging me by my sleeve as she made her way to the building. We stopped at the door, our backs pressed against the cold brick. I reached for my angel blade as she positioned herself in front of the door ready to kick it down. "Wait!". We turned around to see Dean and Sam shifting towards us. "There you are!" I hissed. "They're all dead," Dean hissed back. "What?". "The vampires! They've been slaughtered," Sam joined the hissing. "So what? Maybe other hunters got here before you guys," she replied. "They seemed perfectly fine a few minutes ago!" Dean's hiss grew impatient. "What do you expect me to do about it?" (Y/n) undertook a similar tone. Dean sighed, readying his gun as he shook the door open. The four of us filed in, Dean leading, followed by Sam, while (y/n) scanned the perimeter before trudging after them. A dozen bodies lay limp on the cement before us, limbs twisted to unnatural positions, necks mutilated, flesh severed. Most of the bodies faced downwards. I walked towards one of the bodies and turned it upright with my foot. The eyes of victim had been scorched, leaving two crevices in his face. "Angels!" I yelled back at the group, dashing to (y/n)'s side and ushering her towards the door, clutching my blade.

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